

30代 女性
30代 女性
我也又聊了中日的差别很有意思。 您坐过日本的新干线吗? 日本的新干线有3种座位。1.グリーン席=软座,2.指定席=硬座(预订座位)3.自由席=硬座(没有预订座位)。买3的票的话,虽然有座位可以坐,但是没有座位应该站着。坐着或者站着票的价格都一样。但是在日本的新干线上的话,除了正月和お盆以外,不可能几个小时一直站着。 因为我从来没做过卧铺火车,所以不能告诉您日本的卧铺火车怎么样。不好意思哦。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今天晚上学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容我复习并造了句子。1.我吃的一个香蕉、一个芝士、一个酸奶、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。I ate a banana, a piece of cheese, a yogurt, and drank a cup of cold cocoa. 2A1:你怎么又感冒了?Why did you have a cold again? 2B1:这儿的春天比去年冷多了(得多)。Because this place's springtime is much colder than last year. 2A2:多少度?What is the temperature? 2B2:二十多度。A little over twenty degrees. 2A3:去年的春天比今年暖和多了(得多)。Last year's springtime is much warmer than this year. 2B3:这儿早上和晚上冷,中午暖和,温差很大。Here is chilly in the mornings and evenings, warm around noon, the temperature varies greatly. 2A4:时间长了,你就习惯了。Time goes by while you're here, you'll get used to the weather. 3.今天三十四度,昨天三十度,今天比昨天高几度?今天比昨天高四度。Today is 34 degrees, yesterday was 30 degrees, today is what degrees hotter than yesterday? Today is 4 degrees hotter than yesterday. 4.张丽英家有五口人,王兰家只有三口人,张丽英家比王兰家多几口人?There are five people in Zhang Liying's family, there are only three people in Wang Lan's family, how many people are there in Zhang Liying's family more than in Wang Lan's? 张丽英家比王兰家多两口人。Two people in Zhang Liying's family are more than in Wang Lan's. 5. 刘京二十三岁,王兰二十二岁,刘京比王兰大多了还是大一点儿?刘京比王兰大一点儿。Liu Jing is 23, Wang Lan is 22, Liu jing is much older than Wang Lan or a little bit older? Liu Jing is a little bit older than Wang Lan. 6.这个楼有四层,那个楼有十六层,那个楼比这个楼高多少层?那个楼比这个楼高十二层。This building is 4 stories high, that building is 16 stories high, how many stories is that building higher than this building? That building is 12 stories higher than this building. 谢谢您。
30代 女性
30代 女性
今天的课特别有意思。 我会知道因为中国和日本的想法有这么大差别,所以说法也是。当然学会外语的说法很重要。但是我觉得理解对方人的想法更重要。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1.虽然今天是法定假日的大海节,但是我的公司今天上班了。 Although today is a National holiday as Marine Day, but today was a workday of my company. (我的公司今天需要加班。My company needs to work an extra shift today.)2.上星期六晚上六点,我弟弟和他女朋友来了我家。My brother and his girlfriend came to my house at 6 o'clock last Saturday. 3. 为了马上就能做(煎),他们把饺子直接放在加热盘上,并用保鲜膜封好,拿来了。In order to immediately prepare the way for frying in shallow oil, they brought sealed dumplings by plastic wrap and directly put them on the hot plate (after unsealing). 4. 因为,他们知道我马上就要去网球学校,所以,他们想让我马上能吃到饺子。 Because they know that I need to go to tennis school at once, therefore, they want me to eat dumplings right away. 5.我想多吃点饺子,所以我没吃米饭。I wanted to eat a lot of dumplings, so I didn't eat (a bowl of) rice. 6.我很高兴,我吃了五个饺子。I was very glad to eat five dumplings. 7.饺子馅里面有很多韭菜和鸡蛋,那个韭菜是我爸爸地里的。Dumpling stuffing consists of abundant Chinese chives (nira) and some eggs, those Chinese chives were picked on my father's farm. 谢谢您。
30代 女性
30代 女性
为了复习,我造句了。 【-过来】坐了5个小时飞机,歇不过来啊。 【为了--起见】为了保险起见, 【省的】我每天都要锻炼身体,省的病了。 【接着】到了公司,我先开电脑,接着喝咖啡。 【--吧,--吧】我这个周末什么都不想做。做饭吧,太麻烦;去旅游吧,很累。我想好好休息。
30代 女性
为了复习,我造句了。 【赶得上】1.你很聪明,马上就赶得上他。2.糟糕,都九点了!我赶不上坐十点的飞机。3.赶得上好朋友,你会过开心的高中生活的。 【来得及】你快点走,还来得及做公共汽车。
30代 女性
为了复习,我造句了。 【刚】(肯)我刚做完工作。/(否)我不是刚完工作。 【刚刚】(肯)我刚刚回来了。/(否)我不是刚刚回来了。 【刚才】(肯)我们刚才遇见的人是谁?/(否)你刚才没见他吗?
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1. 对不起,我弄错了今晚汉语课的时间,晚了半个小时。I'm sorry, I took a mistake about the Chinese lesson time tonight, it was a half hour later than usual. 2. 我吃的西瓜、但是上星期五吃的西瓜比今晚的好吃多了。I ate a watermelon, but the one I had eaten last Friday was much more delicious than tonight. 3.我本来打算早一点从图书馆出发,但是回家的时候,我堵车了。(我有点堵车。)At first, I intended to start a little bit earlier from the library, but on my way home, I was caught in a traffic jam. 4-1.赛后我看了锦织圭的采访,我很高兴。I watched Nishikori-Kei's interview after the game, I was very glad. 4-2.因为,这次他虽然失败了(这次他虽然输了),但是对明年的温布尔登草坪球场淘汰赛很有自信。Because he said that although he lost this game, however, he has gained a lot of confidence about the next year's tournament at the Wimbledon's grass courts. 5.我的房间今天比昨天热8度。= 今天我的房间比昨天热8度。Today's my room is 8 degrees hotter than yesterday. 6.今天的温度比昨天低五度。Today's temperature is 5 degrees lower than yesterday. 7. 他比我大两岁。He is two years older than I. 8.他家比我家多两口人。His family is two people more than my family. 谢谢您。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1. 我吃的一点哈密瓜。I ate a kind of muskmelon. 那个哈密瓜又甜又好吃。That melon was sweet and delicious. 2. 那个蛋糕又便宜又好吃。That cake was cheap and tasty. 3-1. 另外,我吃的一半黄瓜,我很喜欢黄瓜蘸酱吃。3-2. 另外,我吃的一半黄瓜,我很喜欢蘸酱吃黄瓜。Moreover, I ate a half of cucumber, I like very much to eat cucumber with dipping in soybean paste (miso). 4.黄瓜蘸酱那个黄瓜是今天我爸爸刚摘的。The cucumber with miso is my father has just picked (from his field). 5. 水分又多又好吃。 The freshness of just-picked cucumbers have plenty water and tasty. 谢谢您。
50代 男性
关于别的中文表现我问你的时候,每次汉语和日语细微差别都你说得十分明白,所以我可以理解得很快 很期待跟你见面啊!
50代 男性
关于别的中文表现我问你的时候,每次汉语和日语细微差别都你说得十分明白,所以我可以理解得很快 很期待跟你见面啊!
这是一个非常容易理解的课程☺️ 谢谢你的未来 😁
いつもありがとうございます(。・ω・。) またよろしくお願いします
50代 男性
50代 男性
50代 男性
30代 女性
30代 女性
我想学会【刚才】,【刚刚】,【刚】的区别。下课时请教我妈? 还有跟课文没有关系,我也想学会【赶得上】和【来得及】的区别。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今天晚上学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1.我和平时一样,吃的一个方包、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。1-1.逗号, 顿号、 2.上星期五我吃到了从来没吃过的最好吃的西瓜。Last Friday, I ate a watermelon that I have never eaten such a delicious one. 2-1.上星期五我第一次吃到了最好吃的西瓜。I ate a most delicious watermelon for the first time last Friday. 2-2.上星期五我第一次吃到了这么好吃的西瓜。I ate such a tasty watermelon last Friday. 3.下班后,我又把一个衬衫送到洗衣店去了,并把我上次(上星期五)送去的衣服取(拿)回来了。After working, I brought a shirt to the laundry (to have it clean), and then, I took a shirt what I had brought last Friday to my house. 4.我拿衬衫回来(家)的时候,微风吹过衬衫,白色的衬衫在阴天里显得格外明亮。 When I was taking the shirt to my house, it was blowing in the breeze, I felt that the white shirt was exceptionally shining into the cloudy sky. 4-1.房间里有一只猫 There is a cat into the room. 5-1. 他比我大一点儿(一些)。He is a little older than I. 5-2. 那儿比这儿冷多了。That place is much colder than here. 5-3. 这个教室比那个教室大得多。This classroom is much more spacious than that one. 5-4. 他跳舞跳得比我好得多。He dances much better than I. 谢谢您。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。 1.我和平时一样,吃的一个方包、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。2.下班后,我又把昨天我送去洗衣店的衬衫取回来了。I went to the laundry to take a shirt what I brought it yesterday. 3.今天的气温比昨天低一点(一些)。Today's temperature is a little bit lower than yesterday. 4.今晚下课以后,我还要去最近的牙科诊所。I still need to the nearest dental clinic after the lesson this evening. 5.上次,牙医清洁了我牙的外面,所以今天他帮我请清洁牙的里面。Previously, the dentist cleaned all outside of my teeth, so he will clean inside of my teeth. 4-1.外面outward appearance; exterior: ⇔里面inside; interior; inward: ⇔ 、外侧 the outside ⇔内侧 the inside 6. 我做了昨天的作业。I did yesterday's homework.(assignment) 6-1.我弟弟比我高多了。My younger brother is much taller than I.= 我弟弟比我高得多。6-2. 我弟弟打网球打得比我好得多。 My younger brother plays tennis much better than I.= 我弟弟打网球打得比我好多了。5-3. 我比我弟弟大一点儿。I am a little bit older than my younger brother. = 我比我弟弟大一些。5-4. 今天比昨天凉快一些。Today is a little bit cooler than yesterday.= 今天比昨天凉快一点儿。5-5. 今年没有去年景气。 = 今年不如去年景气。Stimulating (boosting) the economy in this year is not equal to last year. 5-6.今年的梅雨季节比去年日照时间少得多(多了)。The sunshine (sunlight) in this rainy season is much less than last year. 5-7.我爸爸做菜做得比我好得多。My father cooks much better than me. = 我爸爸做菜做得比我好多了。5-8. 昨天吃的西瓜比上次好吃得多。The watermelon I ate yesterday was very much tastier than I had eaten last time. = 昨天吃的西瓜比上次好吃多了。6. 今天的温度比昨天低五度。Today's temperature is 5 degrees lower than yesterday. 谢谢您。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1. 我和平时一样,吃的一个方包、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。2.昨晚,我去了最近的牙科诊所。I went to the nearest dental clinic last night. 3.牙医说我没有虫牙,并帮我清洁了全部的牙齿,我就放心了。The dentist told me that I did not have any cavities (tooth decay). She cleaned all my teeth, so I felt relieved. 4.牙医说以后我要好好刷两侧里面的槽牙。The dentist told me that I need to brush (eliminate; remove) very well inside of the back teeth with both sides. 5. 今晚日本时间11点50分进行(举行)温布尔登男子单打四分之一决赛。Winbledon's men's singles quarterfinal will be held at 11:50 p.m.(Japan time) tonight. 6.我想看电视是因为日本专业的网球选手锦织圭和瑞士的罗杰•费德勒对战(比赛)。I want to watch TV , because Japan's professional tennis player Kei Nishikori will play against Swiss Roger Federer. 6-1.第一次世界大战 7.但是,节目播出的时间太晚了,明天我还要上班。But the broadcast program is too late, I still need to work tomorrow. 8.所以我决定不看直播了,打算把它录下来,有时间的时候再看。So I decided not to watch the live broadcast, I'm planning to record it, and I'll watch it when I have time. 8-1.我下了决心。I made a decision. 我去买东西。I go to buy something. 你买到什么了? What did you buy? 谢谢您。
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今天晚上学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1. 我和平时一样,吃的一个方包、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。2.今天早上,我看了昨晚温布尔登的结果,我有点儿失望(了)。I watched Wimbledon's (last night's) result this morning, and I (am still) was a little disappointed. 3.因为,日本的锦织圭输了(比分是/结果是一比三)。= 因为,日本的锦织圭一比三输掉了比赛。 Because Japan's Kei Nishikori lost the game. (The score was 1 to 3.) 3-1.日本的锦织圭三比一赢了比赛。Japan's Kei Nishikori won the game. (The score was 3 to 1.) 3-3. 五局三胜(best of five games; three out of five sets) 三局两胜(best of three games; two out of three sets) 4.但是,我看了一点儿昨天的录像,第一局他打的好极了。But I watched a little yesterday's recorded game, his performance was great on the first set.5. 第二局以后,瑞士的罗杰•费德勒开始反击,连胜三局赢了比赛(夺取了胜利)。After the second set, Roger Federer started rallying 3 sets in a row, and finally he won. 6.赛后我看了锦织圭的采访,我很高兴。I watched his interview after the game, I was very glad. (Because...) 谢谢您。
30代 女性
30代 女性
为了复习,我造句了。 【歇不过来】这个月我每天加班,歇不过来啊。 【动词+不+动词?】咱们一起去吃饭,好不好?(说话人想一起去吃饭)
30代 女性
30代 女性
为了复习,我造句了。 【只不过---罢了】他去过美国,英国,德国等等,但我只不过去台湾罢了。
30代 女性
30代 女性
为了复习,我造句了。 1.【---不说,---还/也---】我妈妈会做好吃的菜不说,也会缝漂亮的衣服。 2.【---得/不过来】这么多观光景点,我看不过来啊。 3.【慢慢来嘛】A-这么多暑假作业,我忙不过来。B-慢慢来吧。
30代 女性
30代 女性
您已经好了吗? 您的说明很容易理解。特别是用例句说明的。记住例句的话,我会说当地中国人用的几句。
いつもありがとうございます(^_^) またよろしくお願いします
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1.我按错了。I pressed (pushed) wrong. 2.我不小心按错键挂断了。I carelessly pushed wrong key and hanged up my tablet pc. 3. 和平时一样。as always; as usual: 4. 今晚我爸爸切了一个大西瓜,作为饭后甜点我吃的很开心。My father cut a big watermelon this evening,therefore,I feel very happy to eat it as a dessert after dinner. 5.下班后,我把一个衬衫送到洗衣店去了。After working, I brought a shirt to the laundry. 6.那个洗衣店在超市隔壁。That laundry is next to the supermarket. 7.那个超市我大概每周都去。That supermarket is that I usually go every week. 8-1.明天我去取那个衬衫。I will take that shirt tomorrow. 8-2.明天我可以取那个衬衫。I can take that shirt tomorrow. 9.今晚下课以后,我要去最近的牙科诊所,所以我已经刷完牙了。After this lesson, I need to go to the nearest dental clinic, so I have already brushed my teeth.9-1.上完课finish taking a lesson 吃完饭了finish eating 谢谢您。
40代 男性
50代 男性
50代 男性
いつもありがとうございます( ^ω^ ) またよろしくお願いします
40代 女性
50代 女性
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今天晚上学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。0.我吃的一个方包、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。1.今天晚上我预约了后天晚上七点十五分去牙石。This evening, I made an appointment with the dentist (to have tartar removed from my teeth) for 7:15 p.m. the day after tomorrow(in two days). 1-1. 今天晚上我预约了星期天晚上七点十五分的网球场。This evening, I reserved a tennis court for 7:15 p.m. on Sunday. 2.那个牙科诊所离我家很近,开车五分钟就到了。That dental clinic is very near apart from my house, it takes 5 minutes by car to get there. 3.等我50岁的时候,别人叫我老什么的时候,我可能会不高兴。I will be 50 years old in the future, whenever someone calls me "Lao-shenme(who)",I may (might) not be glad. 4.(注释)对五六十岁的同事、朋友、邻居等,在姓氏前面加“老”用作称呼,其语气比直呼姓名亲切,对女性不常用。5-A1: 你开车开得太快了。这样不安全。You're driving too fast, it's not safe.5-B1:我有事,得快点儿去。I have an important matter, I have to go fast. 5-A2:那也不能开得这么快。Don't accelerate such a high-speed, nevertheless (if) you have any reasons. 5-B2:没关系。我开车的技术好。It doesn't matter.(That's all right.)(Never mind.) My driving technique is very well. 5-A3:开快了容易出事故。昨天清华大学前边出交通事故了。High-speed driving easily occurs traffic accident. Yesterday, there was a traffic accident in front of Qinghua University. 5-B3: 真的吗?Really? 5-A4:你得注意安全啊! Be careful safely! 5-B4:好,我以后不开快车了。All right, hearafter (from now on) I won't drive too fast. 6.你别抽烟了。Don't stop smoking.(or Give up smoking.) 6-1.你别去那儿了。Don't go there. 6-1-1. 你哪也别去了。 Don't go anywhere. 6-2.你别喝酒了。Don't drink sake. 6-3.你别开快车了。Don't drive fast. 6-4.你别迟到了。Don't be late. 谢谢您。
40代 男性
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1-1.前天我去日常生话用品店买我家猫的猫粮。I went to the home center to buy cat food for my cat the day before yesterday. 1-2.前天我去日常生活用品店给我家猫买猫粮。1-3.鱼饵 狗粮dog food 2-0.外国 国外 2.在那我看见了用透明的塑料容器装着的国外的独角仙。I saw some foreign beetles which were kept in each of transparent(clear) plastic cases (insect cages).3. 我上小学,初中的时候,在日本是买不到国外的独角仙的。When I was an elementary school student to a junior high school student, we could not buy any foreign beetles in Japan. 4.我有点儿咳嗽。I have a little cough. 5.你别抽烟了。Stop smoking. 6.抽烟对身体不好。Smoking is not good for our health.7.你去医院看看吧。You should go to the hospital to see a doctor. 8.你开车开得太快了。You are driving too fast. 9.开快了容易出事故。Too fast driving easily causes traffic accidents. 10.昨天清华大学前边出交通事故了。Yesterday, a traffic accident occurred in front of Qinghua University. 11.你得注意安全啊!Pay attention to your safety. 谢谢您。
30代 女性
30代 女性
50代 男性
いつもありがとうございます(^-^) またよろしくお願いします
いつもありがとうございます(⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎) またよろしくお願いします
いつもありがとうございます(^-^) またよろしくお願いします
いつもありがとうございます( ^ω^ ) またよろしくお願いします
50代 男性
今天也开开心心地上课啊 我很理解你教的事情 下周末见!
50代 男性
今天也开开心心地上课啊 我很理解你教的事情 下周末见!
50代 男性
媛老师,谢谢您对今晚学习的内容进行指导。根据今晚学习的内容,我复习并造了句子。1.我吃的一个香蕉、一个热狗、一杯冷蔻蔻豆。2-A:最近每天都吃热狗吗?Recently, do you even eat a hot dog, every day? 2-B:不,我昨天没吃热狗。前天我吃了。No, I don't. I didn't eat it yesterday. I ate it two days ago. 3-A1: 我想骑车去北海公园。I want to ride a bicycle to go to the Beihai Gongyuan.3-B1:路太远,骑车多累啊!It's too far, you must be tired very much!(you're sure to be tired very much!) 3-A2:没关系,我不累。That's all right.(It doesn't matter.)(Never mind.) I won't tired. 3-A'2:要是我只骑一会自行车,我不累。If I ride a bicycle only a little, I won't be tired. 3-B2:路上车多人多,要注意一点儿。There are a lot of cars and people on the street, so be careful. 3-A3:我会的。(我会注意的)。I will (be careful). =我了解了。I understand. (understood) 4-A1:我们唱唱歌吧。Let's sing a song together! 4-B1:别唱歌了,(不要唱歌了,)现在十一点了,大家都要休息了。Don't sing a song, now is past 11:00 p.m., all people are going to sleep. 4-A2:好,我们都回家吧。All right, we'll go home! 4-A'2:好,我们下次再唱歌吧。All right, we'll sing a song next time. 4-A"2:好,那我们去KTV吧。All right, we'll go to Karaoke room. 谢谢您。
30代 女性
30代 女性
您的教法很容易理解。 那这个呢?【除非有牛奶,我才不能吃。因为我对牛奶有过敏。】 除非的用法对我来说非常难!!
30代 女性
30代 女性
30代 女性
30代 女性
今天学习的「除非」的用法太难了。我要复习一下。 【除非有事,我才在CCレッスン学习汉语。】 ↑我造句的OK吗?
你让我说中文,听着我 说话 。然后你更正了我错误的句子,所以我学到很多的东西
谢谢你!你让我说中文,听着我 说话 。然后你更正了我错误的句子,所以我学到很多的东西。
40代 女性
今天我们学了谚语yan4yu3和成语。 上海的女人一般都是母老虎!母老虎和厉害一样的意思吗?还有我们聊了如果见到初次见面的人的话怎么相处,判断呢?我也同意您的看法。日本人在初次见面的时候可能不友好。下次时我想聊有关中国人和日本人的区别,请多关照
いつもありがとうございます( ^ω^ ) またよろしくお願いします
いつもありがとうございます(⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎) またよろしくお願いします
いつもありがとうございます(^∇^) またよろしくお願いします