

50代 女性
Thank you very much for your lesson.I felt that I need to practice conversation more.I want to take your lesson at regular intervals to improve my English.
30代 女性
50代 女性
Today's article was fun very interesting. You always tell me patiently. I'm also looking forward to the next lesson.(*^^*)
50代 女性
Well, grammar is important! And, It is better that I'm talk a lot more(^_^;)
I enjyoed
40代 女性
It's really irritating that I can't explain what I say in English.... And I sometimes couldn't understand what you say...anyway I keep studying English.
30代 女性
40代 女性
Thank you very much!
60代 男性
I need to speak more attentively on the time situation. Thanks for your advice. I keep to study English. See you.
30代 女性
30代 女性
yeah i think so too... i have to review our before lessons. Anyway see you tommorrow!:D
40代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. For me, in your lesson most difficulty is not contents of text book, are understanding grammar explanation and your instruction. But I will try to understand. 元々のレベルがある程度ないと、英語で英語の文法説明を理解するのはかなり難しいと思いました。
I enjyoed
50代 女性
I think difficult, Lessons that use the article but it will take to learn. We'll see you next week(=^x^=)
10代 女性
10代 女性
40代 女性
Today,I spoke English after several years, so I was really tired in this 30minuts, but at the same time, I also thought want to refresh my English. After I prepare the book you recommend me, I will book your lesson again, thank you! 英語のレッスンが久しぶり過ぎて、先生の評価はできませんが、教え慣れていて優しいイメージでした。きれいに話すには文法の知識が必要、という考え方をお持ちで、私の考え方に合っていたので、今後お世話になろうと思っています。
30代 女性
nice to meet you ! i enjoyed lesson. today's "verbs with-s and non-s of a word" I review it! thank you ! see you next time
I enjyoed
It was fan to talk, you are very experienced and gave many advices. There were problems on net connection. I hope your PC will be recovered on our next lesson.
50代 女性
Today I studied mainly for vocabulary and tense. It was a meaningful lesson Next time, I will preparation See you next Lesson(*^-^*)
Sorry tomorrow one more lesson again
30代 女性
30代 女性
50代 女性
Today's topic was the American bargain of Black Friday. I didn't know was a lot of the words. I think Preparation and review is very important.
Thank you for everything. I learnd a lot of things from you. So, I can't say thank you enough. I'll keep studying English and I'll be good English speaker definitely. I promise! I hope I 'll talk with you again. I miss you so much. Take care yourself ,too.
30代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
I'm sorry. See you next lesson.
10代 女性
Thank you!
I hate taking exams. However, I also think that examinations are very essential to students. We can know how much We know about the subjects. So I have to study everyday for it.
30代 女性
30代 女性
haha it's okay no problem!:D
I enjyoed
I enjyoed
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 女性
Thank you!
30代 女性
30代 女性
30代 女性
thanks so much!:)
30代 女性
50代 女性
Thank you for advice. I will try to study hard. Please teach me patiently
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
とても明るくて面白い先生です。 会話が楽しかったです。
30代 女性
30代 女性
i'm so sorry yesterday;( see you next time!
50代 女性
Teacher jonah, Your lesson was very fun. I review the yesterday's content(^^)
30代 女性
30代 女性
yes, i'll try to speak more in classes!
The article was really inspired me. I avoided to read books until now. However, I use this opportunity and try to start reading books.
30代 女性
Thank you!
I enjyoed
10代 女性
Thank you! You are very good at tell me always.
10代 男性
I had fun too. Thank you!
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Thank you!
10代 男性
Thank you!
30代 女性
10代 男性
Thank you!!
I enjyoed
40代 男性
I enjyoed
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
I enjoyed
I enjyoed
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
I leaned a lot from you today!
Thank you for giving enjoyable lesson this year. I'm looking forward to take your lesson next year,too.
英語の勉強を始める時は、是非お願いします。 とても丁寧で、解りやすかったです。 ありがとうございました。
I have to read article more carefully snd more deeply. This time's article is lilte bit difficult for me due to lack of my vocabulary. I need more effort....
I'll try to use vocaburary that I learned your lesson. Oops, not try, I'll "do" it!!
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
40代 女性
30代 女性
We'll talk next lesson~:D Thank you every time!
I keep on studying english hard!!
40代 女性
I think the article of this time is just suitable for my level, thank you.
60代 男性
60代 男性
I'm really happy,and satisfied! I'll keeping on study English hard.