

50代 女性
I’m very impressed by UAE’s initiative. Even if the government spends a lot of money for this program, it will definitely obtain optimal benefit in the future.
40代 女性
I enjoyed our lesson very much! Thank you!
40代 女性
Thank you so much! see you next time!
We have to effor reduce the co2!
I don't think there is anything to worry about. Because science technology develops quickly!
50代 女性
Developing countries, such as China and India prioritize promoting development and boosting economy over protecting environment from pollution. I think the governments should realize the current situation seriously and take appropriate measures to curb pollution.
50代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Thank you so much. I can study with enjoy every your lessons.
I enjyoed
40代 女性
Thank you! See you soon!
20代 男性
60代 男性
Through a lesson with you, I started to understand English better than last time.
60代 男性
I felt it was very difficult to talk about political problems as a topic. I would like to get used to a lot more English.
50代 女性
I think it is a good thing for the inhabitants that the airport opened, however, it would be a waste of money unless the government takes advantage of the airport. It seems St Helena has places of natural beauty and historical interest. The government should promote tourism by utilizing them.
60代 男性
Thank you. I will prepare for the article you sent and will take a lesson.
60代 男性
Thank you. I will prepare for the article you sent and will take a lesson.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
I think their religion is too strict.
50代 女性
No problem. You must have had a hard time during the typhoon. I just hope your house has not been damaged.
60代 男性
Toysrus might had to try online business too. Anyway I appreciate your helpful lesson. See you♪
40代 女性
thx for your time!See you next time!
70代 女性
Thank you so much. I like this English lesson.
70代 女性
Thank you so much. I could understand all.
60代 男性
60代 男性
It was nice talking to you last time. Thank you very much. Now,I backed to Japan. I have very happy time with my family. See you next time.
60代 男性
Today's textbook was very useful. I want to play a role as the reception on the next time.
60代 男性
Thanks for giving me an English lesson today.I have a good time with you.I did not understand hearing well in the beginning, but came to steadily understand it.
50代 女性
I think that some rules should be established to regulate online shopping sites, including Amazon and the authorities should confirm their compliance with such rules on a regular basis.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
70代 女性
Thank so much. I enjoyed the lesson.
70代 女性
Thank you so much. I like to the article you sent me.
Talking with you seems to widen my horizon. Thanks for sharing your life experience with me!
50代 女性
The strategy of the iHotel in Taiwan seems to be really effective. However, some games could be too addictive to stop like gambling. We should fully realize the advantages and disadvantages of games.
60代 男性
Thanks for your lesson. I could well understand some words. see you♪
50代 男性
50代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for the great conversation! I'm so glad,too. See you next time!
70代 女性
I didn't play game.It's too hard for me to understand to play the game.
70代 女性
I enjoyed tody's article.
50代 男性
There are stacks of problem in Myanmar. The country may be still a military government.
70代 女性
I didn't study English for two weeks.I was happy to speak English.
70代 女性
I understood the article.
70代 女性
I enjoyed English lesson.
thank you for your teaching. I try it!
50代 女性
Aung San Suu Kyi had lived her life under house arrest for so many years. Despite that once she has become a leader of Myanmar, she has no courage to act over the Rohingya. I think it has really disappointed people all over the world.
Thank you so much!
Sorry Ia had to go to my parents house.
I enjyoeed the lesson.
50代 女性
Your lessons really help me improve my ability to think logically about topics and to clearly express my thoughts about them in English. I would like to continue to take your lessons on a regular basis to become more proficient in English.
I don't know best way to study,but I believe writing is very important!
70代 女性
Thank you so much. I enjoyed English lesson.
60代 男性
Yes. We have children so we have interest about education. I believe education save for children, and It brings us peace. I hope so. anyway,I feel that I need to keep study English conversation, I hope see you soon. Thanks.
Ordinary people can only wait and see.
50代 男性
50代 女性
There is no way for humans to avoid natural disasters, so whenever I hear this kind of news, I’m overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness. I just hope that a lot of countries and NGOs support them to provide food and stuff necessary for their life and recover a normal life.
10代 男性
10代 男性
70代 女性
I enjoyed English lesson. Thank you for sending a new article.
50代 男性
I enjyoued your lesson
I enjoyed your lesson.
30代 女性
Thank you, and I'm sorry. My listening and speaking skills are not good(T_T)
60代 男性
I could understand about this news more than before. I hope to continue your lesson. Thanks♪
What is "standard"? That is a difficult problem!
50代 男性