

60代 男性
I get a little bit used to study two langages same time. Happy new year !
50代 女性
It’s an amazing and eco-friendly technology. I’m really impressed that the scientists came up with such a great idea. I hope the technology will be further developed to use it for a variety of plants.
50代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Thank you. I'm almost free during winter vacation.
10代 男性
10代 男性
I enjyoed
I enjyoed
I enjyoed
I do my best. now I think our topic very difficult. but I study hard
Thanks! i pray for you and Philippine people attacked by a typhoon. Happy new year!
thank you for teach interviews English. i will effort to study english
60代 女性
These plants might need fertilizer that is more exensive than electrical charge.
I'm very happy you understand what I say
After all, it is best to eat what you want to eat when you want to eat.
50代 女性
I can’t believe that human trafficking still exists in modern society. The authorities should immediately make every effort to investigate the slave traffickers to stop the auction.
70代 女性
Some of them, I couldn't understand. I'll try to do it.
50代 男性
60代 男性
60代 男性
Thanks Jonah! I want more time to your lesson.
Thank you so much 19 ,suddenlyI have to work .sorry
70代 女性
Their research has a dream at least.
50代 女性
I’m very surprised that Trump made such decision. According to the news, among 196 states in the world, only two countries, Israel and Czech have supported his decision. Other countries, especially Palestine have strongly opposed it. I’m worried that such opposition might take the shape of terrorism.
Now I want to study Chinese more. but,I also don't want to foget easy english word.I don't want you are disapointed my idea
I don't want to connect with my colleagues at SNS. :)
Thank you so much.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Sea enverment problem is importan thing.
Thank you for lesson! I enjoyed it.
Thank you! See you next weekend!
Donald Trump has announced Jerusalem is the capital.I guess some touble will be occur.
50代 女性
I think the National Happiness Fund in Korea is a good idea. However, some people are highly likely to abuse this system. I just hope that the Fund can help people who are really in need.
Thank you for using a lot of easy words.So I could understand what you said
I was very supprised. There are slavery in Libia.
50代 男性
70代 女性
Thank you. I enjoyed English lesson.
thanks, I enjoyed English lesson!
Thank you!
I enjyoed
I enjyoed
I enjyoed
thank you for your teaching!i will make effort in tomorrows interview!
thank you for your teaching!i will make effort in tomorrows interview!
thank you for your teaching!i will make effort in tomorrows interview!
70代 女性
I understood all the article. Thank you.
50代 女性
I’m very shocked to know that 123 women were killed by their husband or ex-husband in France in 2016. I just hope that Macron’s new project will be actually implemented to pave the way for a thorough reform for the protection of women.
Middle and higher-income workers in Korea have to save money at first.
Sometime wife attack her husband in home!
50代 男性
50代 女性
I set the Skype for the first time, but suddenly disappeared.I'm sorry for that.Another waiting for 3 hours to book makes me pretty less motivated.
70代 女性
I enjoyed talking with you.
thank you for your help me my interview practice. im happy to talk with you. i really want to pass it,i practice more
60代 男性
In Japan, Trams、Buses、Airplanes、Passenger ships、etc are all very much in compliance with time. The correct time is maintained by the hard work of the staff. We should thank them for their efforts.
60代 男性
Today, Patients who came from minamata city told us about their misery in my city. Most of the audience are college students, the content of the story so that everyone ware moved.
いつもありがとうございます。 私の文法がめちゃくちゃな英語を理解して、話し続けて頂けるとても気さくで優しい先生です。 英語を書くとなんとなく書けるので頭ではわかったつもりでいた文法ですが、話してみると惨敗でした。 いちからしっかり学びたいと思います。
He probably waste much money.So,he incurred people's enmity.
辛抱強く、明るく楽しく教えてくださる先生です。 中学校で初めて習った時から苦手な英語ですが、話せるようになりたいという気持ちはありました。 先生に「緊張せずにお友達や、隣人に話すように思ってね」っと言って頂きましたので、難しく考え過ぎず英語に挑戦したいと思います。 これからどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
Toimportant thing that He has good dream.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
50代 女性
Punctuality is definitely a good thing, however, I heard that train drivers feel a great pressure to be punctual, which could lead to accidents due to excessive speed. I think that train companies in Japan should balance the punctuality and the safety.
50代 男性
Hong Kong is look like Ginza of Tokyo.That mean Expensive place
I never experienced such as train. leaving 20 second early
It's a kind of "Broken Windows Theory".
Thank you very much for your lesson.I willcheck a file! See you!
50代 女性
I’m very impressed that Mr. Joyce accepted the court’s decision. It seems that the Australian government needs to reconsider the issue on dual citizenship.
I enjyoed
I enjyoed
50代 男性
I don't think it's so complicated.He originally doesn't have choice.
50代 女性
Generally speaking, Japanese school rules are very strict. The government needs to consider and review them so that they will be more flexible and acceptable.
I enjyoed
I enjoyed.