

40代 男性
I originally don't use Facebook, so it doesn't matter!
We have lots of other things to use money for. How come they throw money away for such a ridiculous game?
Thank you for the lesson, Jonah. Looking at our evolutionary history, those armed with weapons could not necessarily survive. We, humankind should not be so silly.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
I hope this news is fake.
I enjyoed
50代 女性
It is very sad that many countries in the world are trying to develop various missiles one after another to threaten other countries and protect themselves. I just hope that each country’s leaders will discuss this issue sincerely to make an effort to build a peaceful world.
60代 男性
Thanks for your suggestions. I understand what you mean. I hope my mom join my daughter's wedding. See you♪
Thank you for your lesson.This problem is not so simple...! Sorry I wrote the comments so late.
We just work hard, study hard, develop better products that can sell. This is only way to survive any trade wars. Thank you, Jonah for the lessons today! I always enjoy talking with you about the issues. See you soon!
The trade tariffs imposed on Chinese products will harm US economy! This is well known among Americans too! How can the approval rate for president Trump go up with such a sucky play?
It's only a deal for him!
50代 女性
USA and China are two major influential countries in the world. If the trade war actually breaks out, most countries will be affected by it. I hope that both countries try to compromise with each other in this matter so that it can be avoided.
Yes.It is very challenges job for me.at same time I really love to do.It would be grateful if you can open the afternoon class. Thank you!
Thank you for teaching, I enjoy studying with you. I did my exam well. See you soon!
Developing medicine costs money. They create disease X, in order to make money and subjects. But, we can still find hopes in this hopeless world!
We are facing a threat developed by scientists!? Hello Johna, thank you for the lessons today. You have so much knowledge about what is going on in the world.
He doesn't listen to the opinion of foreign leaders,let along the opinion of the students.
I enjyoed
I enjyioed
Thank you! I hope I can study this dialog with you next time too!
Thank you for teaching. I could understand about the story with you!
Thank you! I am also looking forward to having a lesson with you next time!
Thank you for your lesson.It was very important summit for East Asia region.And it's very complicated situation than I thought.
30代 女性
Thank you:)
I think the focus is whether he will exile.
30代 女性
See you tomorrow!
30代 女性
Thank you:)
50代 女性
Farmers have been suffering from wild animals. If this Super Monster Wolf really works, their crops will be protected, which gives their business a stable foundation.
'Disease X' is also important, but they should also study hay fever.
30代 女性
Thank you for today, and see you tomorrow:)
I was impressed by your opinion, on the other hand, about positive point of the virtual boyfriends, which is the game can possibly protect young girls from sexual violence.
So much money could have been spent on something different, like learning other languages! Thank you for the lesson today. We discussed addictive effects of computer games, hopes about the future, what real happiness is, and so on. It was fun, I really enjoyed it!
30代 女性
Thank you Jonah! I need to prepare more for a lesson!
30代 女性
Thank you for teaching me tonight. Your lesson was really great, I want to continue to learn with you to improve my English! See you next time:)
Thank you for your lesson. I'm sorry I wrote the comments so late. I think that I need to improve my expression.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
I read this article and remembered "The goose and the golden egg" of Aesop's fables .
Thank you for your advice!
Thank you for your advice!
Thank you for your advice!
This appearance is frightening.But it probably is not worth paying for a lot of money.
Thank you for providing me the lesson today, Jonah! I enjoyed the conversation with you, and am looking forward to the next lesson using the topic you introduced today. See you soon!
50代 女性
It is so difficult to get rid of guns completely, however, the government should work together with NRA to strengthen the gun control even little by little in response to public opinions.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Thank you so much! But peaches have not bloom yet.
Thank you for your lesson! I want to not only read articles correctly but also have my opinion about that.
It would be difficult to control the distribution of guns.
50代 女性
Adults should be more tolerant of babies and children, however, companies should also make an effort to meet the needs of various customers.
How poor girls! We can't change such a trend. So,we have to control ourselves!
Thank you for your lesson. The article that we discussed was very interesting. Over using apps is not so good for all the people.
50代 女性
Some games and apps are highly addictive. Parents should always monitor their children strictly so that their children will use them moderately.
50代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thank you as always.
70代 女性
I could understand the article all. I enjoyed talking with the teacher.
70代 女性
Thank you. The article was very interested for me.
50代 男性
50代 男性
50代 男性
Nice to meet you, too. This is my first English lesson by skype, so I wasn't used to it. From next time, we can talk more fluently. See you next time!
When I sleep, I reminde happy time.
I was very surprised such as actvity.Goverment have to make new row.
Thank you! See you next time.
Thank you for your lesson! I thought that I must learn many things for discuss in English.
50代 女性
The prediction is really scary. I can’t imagine how enormous the negative impact is. I’m afraid that there is nothing we, human beings can do.
70代 女性
I could understand all.
Thank you for lesson. We will talk about fried chickens next lesson.
70代 女性
I could understand all.