

Women are better listeners. The eleven women will hopefully be positive role models for us, making ourselves useful also in politics in women's ways.
I really want to see those female cabinet ministers showing their strong point as women and be instrumental in revamping Spain's economy.
50代 男性
50代 男性
50代 男性
Thank you for teaching me! Hope to see you next time!
Let's see their success and fail for about a year tentatively.
50代 女性
It’s hard to believe for Japanese that out of 17 cabinet ministers, 11 are women. I’m sure it would never happen here in Japan. I really would like to see if it will work.
20代 男性
50代 男性
What did the former government use huge amounts of money for?
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy's inaugural address seems to have inspired also Malaysians to see the importance of civic action and public service!
The Prime Minister Mahathir has announced his plan to make redundant public offers by 17,000 as well as to cut cabinet members' salary by 10%. It is a good thing that Malaysians support their 92 years old leader, making contribution to their country.
40代 女性
Thank you for your article! It was very interesting. Every time I join your lesson,I could have a new discovery from your article. I hope the Malaysian government will find good way to a bright future.
50代 女性
Crowdfunding is a good way to raise money. On the other hand, it doesn’t make sense that citizens cover their country's debt due to its corruption. The government should not only rely on its citizens but also make more efforts to repay its debt.
Thank you for your lesson! I've used electricity freely in Japan,but I must understand that it's rare situation.
70代 女性
I could understand the story,but the words were difficult for me.
50代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. Life is full of ups and downs. I believe no matter how painful the experience may be, we can learn something from it.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Because of over using, I couldn't take your lesson on the internet. But it's ok now.
Thank you for your lesson! I was happy to talk with you for a long time.
40代 女性
Thank you ! I successed in my English exam today ! Thank you for teaching me! Hope to see you next time!
50代 女性
It is unavoidable that Internet is sometimes affected by weather. I hope that it will be better for the next lesson.
60代 男性
Thank you for your lesson.
I just hope the ties between France targeted for terrorism and Saudi Arabia will not cause another flash point in Middle East.
I am curious about who designed the opera house. It may be designed by Zaha Hadid!? Thank you for the lessons today, Jonah. Ms. Zaha Hadid became renowned among Japanese people when Tokyo won the right to host 2020 Olympic Games. Her architecture has the peculiar, streamline shape, which costs too much money. Tokyo metropolitan government and Japan Olympic committee ended up declining her design, since they went over budget.
Thank you for your lesson! I'll try it!
50代 女性
Thank you for the lesson. I had a great time for the discussion of an amazing topic. I’m always inspired by your lessons.
50代 男性
40代 男性
40代 女性
Thank you for your preparation of lesson. The article you sent to me was very interesting.
The Look East Policy pushed Malaysia to follow the East Asians in becoming diligent, hardworking, loyalty, communal spirit, and perseverance to achieve the development of the country. Now it seems like Malaysian citizens want to have their golden era back, and they placed their hope in this world's oldest leader trying to reinstate the rule of law.
During his term since 1981, Malaysian economic growth had been rapidly increased, and the country became called Asian tiger. He brought Malaysia the astonishing economic success, implementing the Look East Policy. He wanted Malaysia to emulate some of the East Asian characteristic both economically and ethically.
The Chinese leader only will be able to pass through this record.
The next issue to be addressed is how to distribute the electricity to each household. Whether everyone can pay for it is another problem to be tackled. I hope everyone will be able to enjoy the benefit of the electrified country soon.
Let us celebrate the completion of electrification project at first. It must have been a tremendous project, cost a huge amount of money to build power plants throughout the vasty rural area in India. But it does not mean that everyone in all villages can use the electricity. It just means India has now the infrastructure.
50代 女性
I think it’s not easy for adults to learn English. However, I believe that we will be able to speak it little by little regardless of age as long as we keep studying it. I’d like to continue my efforts for that.
70代 女性
Thank you. I couldn't use computer.
Thank you for your lesson! In this golden week holiday I couldn't have enough time to learn English,so I'm going to start again!
Certainly! See you soon!
Yes, as always I had pleasant conversation with you again. Each topic you send us is informative and amusing.
Thank you! Hope we can have a lesson again next time!
If people want to get absolute pitch, they should start the training before the age of seven!
It is good to know that China's constitution provides protecting minorities. The constitution was cited to support LGBT in cyber community. I hope that this victory of the people over discrimination against sexual minority will happen also in real life, and can lead to a peaceful coexistence with ethnic minorities. Let us see how this country will control a vast expanse of land and its massive population of 1.4 billion people.
A ban on posting violence is ok, but LGBT issues should not be treated in the same way as violence. Such a misconception should be corrected.
50代 女性
I’m very sorry that I couldn’t have a lesson with you yesterday. I hope that my new skype will work well in the next lesson.
50代 男性
Thank you! I really enjoy every lesson with you every time! Hope we can see each other again soon!
Thank you! Hope we can have a lesson again next time!
Yes,now I am going to plan to next trip.
If British government will really attain the target date, they should provide those Pakistani or Bangladeshi with free English course. I just hope many of them will study hard, work hard to fit into the country.
Immigrants should be trying to be a part of the country, interacting with the people living originally there. Otherwise the immigrants will become more isolated, and this leads to criminal and hate.
What do the public think about this there?
Thank you very much for the lesson.I'll buy the text you reccomended me. thank you.
I agree with the researcher saying that society and working patterns need to change. But, in order to make it happen, companies need to hire more people and train them, so each employee does not have too much job to get done, while companies still keep doing well.
This is exactly the problem for me! Thank you for the lesson, Jonah! We had a lot to talk about this, because that is really what we are facing.
I think that there is no problem as long as they secure sleeping time.
50代 女性
China is a socialist country and censorship is very strict. However, nowadays diversity is encouraged all over the world. The rights of LGBT should be further protected and respected.
Thank you for your lesson,and thank you hearing my episode. I need to understand world news.
70代 女性
I couldn't understand today'article.
40代 男性
50代 女性
It’s not rare that persons in the position of power abuse their power to get some benefit. It seems Brazil’s ex-president Lula is still popular among metal workers. I think that’s because he held government through influence peddling.
Discrimination is not good, and freedom of expression is more important.
I hope Japan will be able to mining them as soon as possible.
I enjyoed
During his term he has revamped the economy, attained his “Stop hunger project”. He also achieved pension reform for public officers to cut national budget and accomplished budget surplus more than the target value given by IMF. If he used the money to support the extreme poverty, the money laundering and corruption is not big deal. He got the money from his evil company, and distributed the money to the poor people, so to say. He has chosen to go to the dark side, because he had no other choice to help the country.
Why did Mr. da Silva commit the money laundering and was involved in corruption? Where has the money gone? And why is he still so popular? Thank you for the lesson today, Jonah! Each topic you send is informative as well as gives me opportunities to acquire an insight.
40代 男性
70代 女性
I'm happy to learn English again.
I enjyoed
I enjyoded.
50代 男性
I’ve also waited to you last night. Please tell me your skype id. I don’t know why your skype disappeared.
40代 男性
Thank you for your kind lesson!
Thank you for your lesson! I'm happy to talk with you by using internet.I hope that protection of user imformation will be getting better.
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Because I prepare for the lesson, I manage to keep up with the topic.
Cambridge Analytica said they deleted the personal data, as Facebook urged before the election campaign, so the user data could not have been used for the presidential election. On the other hand, former CEO of Cambridge Analytica said Cambridge Analytica is now accused because Donald Trump is a bad person. Whether Donald Trump is a bad person or not will be evaluated by future generations. Furthermore, if the personal data really benefited Donald Trump, only God knows. Either way, this scandal suggests that protecting personal information is something doubtful.
The political consulting firm was a supporter of the US president Donald Trump. Cambridge Analytica reportedly collected the user data from an app developer. The app is called “This is My Digital Life”, where the user put in their personal data to make personality assessment.
50代 女性
Social media including Facebook are very convenient to express opinions, convey ideas and messages to other people. People trust the operators to use social media. The companies should always check and strengthen the system so that they will not betray the confidence of users.
50代 男性
50代 男性