

50代 女性
I have realized that it’s really hard for different countries to get along with each other because of their national interests. It is important to balance peace in the world and security at home.
40代 女性
Thank you!
40代 女性
I'd like to continue taking your lesson, I think my mind is changing, Now I don't hesitate taking mistake while speaking.
40代 女性
My husband suggested his father to try having meal service.But his father didn't agree... So I have no words to say my husband.
40代 女性
Sorry I haven't caught call. I will book your lesson again.
30代 女性
50代 女性
Discussions with you are always impressive and informative, which motivate me to learn English. I’m looking forward to next lesson.
50代 男性
Thank you for always sending me interesting articles . See you next lesson!
50代 男性
40代 女性
This weekend my mother in low will discharge temporary.She will stay at her house, her son and daughters came there,look after parents. Maybe mother in low would be very happy staying her home. I hope it will help her better.
40代 女性
The last weekend my husband stayed at parent's house, cared about them.Today he came back own house and talked with me about these days.He looks very tired, has got asleep soon.I have to help him from now on.
50代 女性
Alexa can be very easy and convenient way to diagnose our health conditions, however, I think we have to try not to believe it blindly.
40代 女性
Thank you very much for your class.
50代 男性
40代 女性
I'm really glad my mother in low is getting better,now she can realize the situation where she is. She has had many requests what she wants to do.It's better sign,I think.
50代 女性
That’s true. I wonder if they will turn out to be a pie in the sky for ordinary people.
50代 男性
40代 女性
My mother in low is getting better, but she is still at High care unit.She can't do everything like before.We have to help her, be beside her.
40代 女性
There are many problem among our family.We have to solve hand in hand.It is hard for us, but we believe we will be able to overcome.
30代 男性
30代 男性
50代 男性
40代 女性
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Thank you for your lesson!! I hope I could express my opnion more.Anyway see you in the next lesson 😊
40代 女性
Today is the first day of summer season at Mt.Fuji. Between this season,over 300 thousand people want to climb there.
40代 女性
I’m sorry for yesterday. I would like to have a lesson tonight.
40代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. See you next time.
50代 女性
It is always fun to talk with you. I'm looking forward to the next lesson.
30代 男性
50代 男性
40代 女性
I should appreciate with my lucky.I never thought it was such a highly competitive.
30代 男性
40代 女性
It was no problem. I hope see you again.
30代 男性
40代 男性
Thank you for your kindness. See you next lesson.
40代 女性
Thank you for your lesson! Hope to see you again.
Thank you so much! I
50代 女性
I think everyone gets burnout easily. It’s important for us to find our own way to release stress.
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
40代 女性
Yes,I agree with you.My division also have new business, I have been watching closely the future of my company.
30代 男性
40代 女性
久しぶりの英語レッスン。 仕事で英語で年金の相談を受けたという話。 日本人は周りを気にしてせっかく身に付けた英語を話そうとしませんね、、
I am looking forward discussing with you ,too. Thank you!
30代 男性
50代 女性
Global competition over 5G heats up and many countries, such as the US and Korea are trying to take the initiative in developing the technology. I guess we’ll have to see which country can do it.
40代 女性
In these days in Japan there were many serious incidents. Many driver who are old,they think their driving skill still good. And people lives at suburbs need cars to live there. The number of old people getting more, the number of car accident also will get more.
40代 女性
Thank you as always. Yes, I have to keep looking for another job. This time even though I can get bonus,I don't know how long it will last.
30代 男性
30代 男性
40代 女性
It was very serious incident happened at Kawasaki city in Kanagawa pref.. We all citizens were shocked by this incident. There are no place being safe in Japan any more. we are very sad. ..
50代 女性
I think it is a very sensitive and controversial topic. Unfortunately, unintended pregnancy actually exists, therefore, exceptions should be admitted.
Thank you so well!
50代 女性
I sometimes think that I cannot speak English well forever.
40代 女性
The activity on Sunday was finished with success.We had a great time to climb small falls and hike a mountain.
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
40代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. I will read that sentence again and again.
50代 女性
I’m happy that things are finally going smoothly now. However, I have to continue monitoring the conditions of our family members.
40代 女性
Thank you very much for your lesson.
30代 女性
30代 女性
40代 女性
I always thank you for your lesson. I want to try again the way of lesson which reading an article in advance and on the lesson,first doing synonym match and we talk about that.
30代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. I really enjoyed our conversation. なかなか言いたいことが言えないときも我慢強く聞いてくれます。そして優しくフォローしてくれる素敵な先生です。
Thank you so much!
40代 女性
Last week I was busy for work and had a disease.TGIF & I have had a grate weekend. Next time I want to show you it ! Thank you for your lesson.
40代 女性
thank you for the lesson. i have to review again and again.