

Thank you
50代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. The situation in the Middle East remains complicated. I really feel that it is almost impossible to realize world peace.
Thank you i learn new words
Turkey rejects calls for ceasefire in Syria. I think Turkey need to protect people’s life.
レッスンありがとうございました。 私のヒアリング能力が足りないため、聞き取れない部分もありましたが、非常に良いアドバイスを頂けました。これから実践していきたいと考えています。 また、先生のレッスンを受けたいと考えていますので、その際よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you very much to your advice. I will try it and I think I will take your lesson again.
60代 男性
I become to enjoy English conversation gradually. I make a chance to study English. Then I will be enjoy it more. Thanks,See you♪
Thank you for your message. I have sent message for you by WeChat because I do not use Skype. Would you mind checking WeChat message?
50代 女性
Thank you very much for the lesson. Japan has been affected by a lot of typhoons this year, and we have to admit that global warming is getting worse and worse. I believe that governments in the world should seriously work on this issue so that the situation will not get even worse.
The big typhoon gone yesterday.But Today wind strong yet.
60代 男性
This article is a bit difficult because of unknown words. I needed to look up a dictionary several time. But I could enjoy your lesson. Thanks,See you♪
50代 女性
Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I also enjoyed it with you.
60代 男性
Don't worry. I need to get used to be normal speed talk. I hope to continue your lesson. See you. Thanks.
50代 男性
Thank you
50代 女性
30代 男性
30代 女性
50代 男性
40代 女性
Long time no see Jonah san,I'm back. I'd like to talk about my California trip.Next time I'll show you summary of this trip.
50代 男性
I got your advice.
Thank you very much for today's lesson. I like the way you think. You inspired me again!
60代 男性
I'm glad to see you again after a long time. Thank you for giving me topics for the next lesson. See you soon.
50代 男性
50代 女性
Almost all countries in the world depend on each other, therefore, other country’s issue might affect our own country. We ordinary people cannot do anything, however, we should at least be aware of problems in the world.
It was very nice to talk with you! I had not spoken English for a while so I feel really difficult to describe my thoughts... I hope it gets better as I have lessons with you! Haha
50代 男性
50代 女性
2020 Olympics are the sports events in which the politics should not get involved. I really hope that athletes from all over the world can participate in them without any fear.
50代 男性
Thank you your advice.I try that.
50代 女性
Teaching is a tough job, but it's truly inspiring. As I'm with younger generations, I can keep learning new things, especially ideas and values.
40代 女性
Thanks for the great lesson as always! I couldn’t concentrate at the last a few minutes indeed cause my husband came back from his work, I’m embarrass for that. Anyway I enjoyed your lesson, see you next time then!
50代 男性
50代 女性
It is true that being pessimistic means being careful in a sense. The point is that we need to think things in a positive and negative way according to the situations.
10代 女性
Ok. Thank you.
40代 女性
Yes,my current company is still looking for my replacement. Current work is very pity, so I can sympathize anyone who will replace me.
50代 男性
haha sorry thank you. that was really fun to talk to you!
10代 女性
I like to talk with my teacher. I will study English more.
10代 女性
I'm glad to talk to you.
40代 女性
Sometimes,I'm getting negative if I could not do new job and have good relationship with new co-workers. Sometimes,I'm getting positive I'm sure to carry on all things. This is a sign of my expectation to the new life, probably.
40代 女性
I changed my mind like this,to start working earlier,I'm sure it helps myself to familiar with new work.So I'd accept new company's suggestion.
50代 男性
50代 女性
We parents have mixed feelings when our children leave home. However, we can’t take care of them forever, so we have to let them go.
Thank you for our class resuhedule.
60代 男性
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your lesson! It was such a fun time to talk with you. I have not spoken English much for several years, but topics you gave me was close to my interests and it effectively pushed me to talk! Thank you!
30代 男性
40代 男性
40代 女性
40代 女性
Thank you for sending article.I recognize synonym match helps to get increasing vocabulary.
40代 女性
So,I have to negotiate when I can leave current company. My first choice is the end of Oct..
50代 女性
Greenland has abundant rare earth resources. At the moment, China has a competitive advantage in rare earth production, and the US feels a sense of crisis and seeks to secure stable supply of rare earth. It seems that a conflict between China and America will continue.
Tonight We learned United State pairs $7.2 million to Russia for getting Alaska..
50代 女性
I’m really interested in how Prime Minister Boris Johnson will succeed in Brexit. Let’s see how good he is.
40代 女性
I'd like to continue learning English, for further improvement.If I start new work, it's necessary to use English daily.
40代 女性
Thank you for your correction the sentences what I want to say. Yes, I know it's very simple things but speaking correctly was very hard.
40代 女性
Canadian interviewer was so friendly, I could relax to answer some questions. I think they were nice person.
40代 女性
Today, I was at the agency practiced interview in English. It was very useful your correction of sentences yesterday.
50代 女性
It is always sad to hear some news about conflicts between countries, leading to cycle of hatred and revenge. Governments should work together to achieve international peace.
40代 女性
I'd like to catch this chance.I train speaking the answers which are corrected by you many times.
It was nice to see you, and I enjoyed your lesson. Lesson itself was really nice, but it would be great if the internet connection in the Philippines is good because I could not see your face this time.
Alexa is capable to advice for our health.
40代 女性
About work,I've been trying to change my situation for a long time, maybe it's about the time to get some result.
40代 女性
My appreciation can't be expressed in words.The lesson with you always helps me a lot.