

Thanks for your reputation. It must motivate our will. I will care my health. Seeing you!!
Thanks for your usual cooperation!! Seeing you!!
im so sorry thank you
50代 女性
I think that deforestation is one of the most serious problems facing the world. The world leaders should discuss this issue more seriously and work together to take effective measures against deforestation.
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thanks for your usual support. I should not hesitant for every task. I will do it with positive attitude. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your useful suport. I will do my best. Seeing you!!
60代 女性
Thank you Ms.Jonah. I had an joyful time.
50代 女性
I also hope that everything will be fine. I will try to keep motivated and inspired even if I have a hard time.
60代 男性
See you next time
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
50代 女性
I really hope that everything will be fine to my family, and coronavirus won’t spread any more.
I appreciate it for your kindness. I will do my best for my aim. Thanks for your continuous support!!
40代 男性
Thank you for teaching me so gently.
Thanks for valuable support!! I am glad to get good performance. I will keep it up. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you very much. see you.
Thank you for your lesson. Yes, I have read your article for many times before lesson. I will keep on and record it. See you.
20代 男性
You are a good teacher with great patience. Thank you for suggestions.
Thanks for your kindness!! I will care for this cases and hope having next lesson in safe. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your encouragement. I will do my best to cure my disease.Hope next lesson for my aim!!
20代 男性
thank u
20代 男性
thank you
50代 女性
It is really scary that we are watching the news of the spread of coronavirus every day. I really hope that Chinese government takes every possible measure so that this situation will not worsen.
Thanks a lot!! I will continuousy effort!!
Thanks a lot!! I will continuousy effort!!
Thank you for correcting my pronunciation.
30代 女性
thank you so much :)I’ll do my best ♡
Thanks for your kinedness. I will adjust my condition so that next lesson is valuable. Thanks again!!
Sorry for my bad condition. For next time, I will adjust it. Thanks a lot!!
50代 女性
Honestly speaking, it doesn’t matter whether Mr. Ghosn is guilty or not. I think the most concern for Japanese is how Japanese government will strengthen security toward 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.
20代 男性
thank you
20代 男性
thank you
20代 男性
thank you
thanks as always
it was a great lesson today. i hope ill learn something more with you.
thank you very much for this lesson.
thank you for your advice.
Thanks for good lecture and reputation. I will keep in touch. Looking forward to seeing you!!
20代 男性
I was not well yet but I won! :-) thanks!
50代 男性
50代 女性
It seems that both countries do not want all-out war, however, the tension between them will remain unchanged for a while, which will definitely affect almost all countries in the world.
Thanks for your support!! Good result must be generated by your assistance. I will continuously have effort. Thanks for your cooperation!!
20代 男性
thank you
20代 男性
thank you
Iranian leaders are facing criticism of public opinion after a Ukrainian airliner was shot down.
My vocab is poor at the certain point so ill read some articles to improve it with you.
Looking forward to seeing you soon
Thank you so much. See you soon
thank you for the great lesson. see you soon
it was great seeing you Miss Jonah. hope totalk to you agin
20代 男性
Thank you
20代 男性
I enjoyed it with you as usual. thank you
An article was good level for me but I don't have knowledge enough about it. I'm looking for the next what we discuss.
I was surprised that we could talk about specific Philippino town. Enjoyed the class.
Thanks for your usual support. I keep in touch to achive target. Best regards.
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
Thanks for your advice. I think I need to accustom to tricky issues in TOEIC. Continuous lecture must be useful for me. Looking forward to seeing you!!
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
50代 女性
I hope that new technological equipment like this Google Health AI can detect various diseases easily and accurately to save human lives.
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
20代 男性
thank you!
Thanks for your continuous support!! I will keep my motivation to achieve my goal. Seeing you next time!!
I didn't think my goal before you asked me.I will think about it. thanks for your lesson. Happy new year. ♪