

Thanks for your cordial message. I trust daily life must be recovered and happiness must come to me again. I also hope you and your family have safety life with happiness.
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 女性
30代 男性
40代 女性
Thank you very much for offering a lot of topics and being patient with my clumsy English. See you again soon.
30代 女性
thanks your lesson!
50代 女性
Thank you very much for today's lesson. I can learn a lot about the world's situation from your lessons.
It was nice taking the lesson with you! It was interesting to know about the measures differently taking in our both countries.
40代 女性
Thanks a lot for the second lesson! I enjoyed talking with you and learned new vocabularies!
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 女性
It was my first English lesson here. Even though we couldn't use video for some reasons, I enjoyed talking with her as she provided wide variety of topics!!
40代 男性
40代 男性
20代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you! See you next time.
Thanks for your kindness. I will care for my condition so that I can have effective result regarding English study. Hope seeing you again !!
Thanks for your continuous support!! It must be better than before. Seeing you at the next lesson!!
Thanks for your helpful support!! I continue to study with safety. Seeing you again!!
Thanks for your valuable support. My improvement is caused by your effective lecture. I will do my best and hope your continuous support!!
Thanks for your usual attention. Empathizing with you must be effective to overcome this risky situation. Hope you safe.
40代 女性
40代 男性
20代 男性
50代 女性
I really enjoyed talking with you to day too. You have been broadening my world!
20代 男性
40代 男性
Thank you for your nice lesson!
40代 女性
30代 男性
Thank you so much for the lesson.!
Thank you!
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 男性
Thank you fou your lesson! I enjoyed it!
20代 男性
20代 男性
30代 女性
40代 男性
Thanks for your reputation!! I will keep in touching for my further effort. Seeing you next time!!
10代 男性
Thank you so much. I enjoyed your lesson.
20代 男性
It was great opportunity to talk with you. See you next time.
Thanks for your sympathized message. I am okay, but would like to see my family again. By that time, I will make effort to blush up my English skill through your lecture. Again, Thanks for your usual support!!
50代 女性
Thank you very much for today's lesson. I'll try to make a summery more specifically next time!
40代 女性
Thank you! your lesson was always fun and happy!
It was nice to meet you,Jonah. I enjoyed to spend time with you and to get to know your situation. I’m looking forward to seeing you very soon.
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 女性
20代 男性
30代 女性
Thanks for kindly message. I have recovered by your support. Hope your continuous support. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your useful support!! Continuous lecture must be good for me. Seeing you again!!
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
50代 女性
Thank you very much for your lesson and the summery. i want to be good at summerizing articles like you!
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thanks for your encouragement. I will be strong and cope up against current situation. Thanks for your usual support!!
50代 女性
i had a very good time talking with you. especially your talk cheers me up! see you soon.
Thanks for your encouragement for me. It must be motivate me. I will do my best. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your usual support!! I am glad to hear your good reputation for me, I will keep it up. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your highly evaluation for my English. I will keep in touch, Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your valuable support!! I glad to have experience using various expression. Thanks for your continuous support!!
30代 男性
30代 男性