

20代 男性
Thanks for your support and sympathy with me. Fortunately, I am being okay although I am being apart from family. Hoping to back my home, I will do my best for blushing up of my English. Thanks for your continuous support!!
30代 男性
40代 女性
40代 女性
Thanks for your support!! Being positive must be necessary. Looking forward to seeing you in the next lesson so that I can be brighter!!
Thanks for your usual sympathy. I am currently okay and positive. Dreaming see my family, I will do my best. Thanks a lot!!
30代 女性
20代 男性
40代 女性
20代 男性
Thanks for your continuous support!! I continuously do my usual task so that can back to my family without any concerns. Seeing you next time!!
20代 女性
Thank you so much, you are a wonderful teacher!
20代 男性
20代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you, see you next time.
Thanks for your continuous support!! I have been relieved your cordial message. Keep safe and care for myself. Hope your safety also. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you! I'm glad to talk with you. See you soon.
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 女性
Yes! let's keep reading this book together!
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Because of your optimized lecture, my confidence and motivation is being progressed. I will do my best for target keeping safe. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your cordial message. Although in a cliff, I can overcome with COVID 19. I will do my best hoping to see my family again. Thanks for your support!!
20代 女性
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 女性
50代 女性
Thank you very much for the lesson. I gradually got used to expressing my thoughts.
40代 女性
thank you for your lesson!!
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thanks for your last lesson and kind feedback. Fruitful conversation with you must be useful in my future career. THanks again and seeing you next time!!
40代 女性
50代 女性
Thank you for the lesson. Now I think I want to see clean and beautiful sky to the future.
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 女性
please,take care of it in the future。
Thansk for your usual suport and encouragement. Now is getting better than before not only surrounding me but also society. I will keep current situation with improving mind. Seeing you next time!!
40代 女性
Thank you for your lesson!
Thanks for your last lesson. I also happy hearing your situation goes well. Hopefully I can back sooner or later, Seeing you next time!!
20代 男性
I could have a good opportunity to read the article related to global issue in her lesson. Hope I will keep taking her lesson to learn advanced vocabulary. Thank you so much.
40代 女性
Thank you! I really enjoy talking with you!
20代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
10代 男性
40代 女性
thank you for your lesson! I will brash up my english!^^
50代 女性
Thank you very much for the lesson. I hope you and I will stay healty and have a happy life as now.
40代 女性
30代 女性
Thank you your lesson I’m so sorry my English I vocabulary So poor I keep study English
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
30代 男性
Thanks for your useful advice. I will discuss different topic for the next time. Thanks for your continuous support and seeing you soon!!
Thanks for your continuous support!! I thought that morning lesson must be more effective than night lesson. I will try to have morning lesson as much as possible. Seeing you again!!
40代 女性
Thank you for the lesson! I could learn some new vocabularies! See you soon!
Thank you for the lesson. I'm looking forward to seeing you next time.
Several years ago I heard the UAE prince say that they will create new industry fields other than crude oil. I think there are mainly two reasons, first, their oilfield will not last forever, and second, oil has been in excessive supply, since the US has developed shale gas and become one of the largest energy source providers. Every individual is encouraged to think about what they should do for their better future.
30代 男性
30代 男性
Now we do not know how many businesses from large to small sized worldwide are forced to close or file for bankruptcy due to the pandemic. I just hope good companies will revive their businesses in any way.
20代 男性
20代 男性
40代 女性
Thank you for your lesson! I really enjoyed to discuss about this corona situation and policies for different countries. See you soon.
50代 女性
thank you very much for the lesson. i try to make a good summary and to express my thoughts.
This kind of confusion can happen anywhere under the circumstances where we will have to live with the COVID-19 for the time being. The online lessons are a part of the new normalcy that we will be living in the near future. But we still have a long way to go before everyone feels at ease with it.
Thank you for the lesson. He knows it of course, and he thought no one takes it that way, I suppose. President Trump addresses people like making small talk. It often creates backlashes, and this is his way.
Thank you!
Thank you!
30代 男性
Thanks for your encouragement. My motivation is kept by it. For the date I can back to my town, I will do my best through your lesson. Thanmks a lot!!