

50代 男性
50代 男性
People in higher social class want poor to stay poor, because it can threaten their current position. I hope those young people will learn that quality of work is to be respected, not occupation.
Elite wants their class to be made up by wealthy people. This social class division can set up a confrontation between the higher and lower. The confrontation in a divided society can always be a target for someone to undermine the country.
20代 男性
20代 男性
What a tragedy it was! People who were on their way home were hit by the horrific plane crash. Rushing home does not take you home fast.
50代 男性
Lebanon declared debt default in March. Israel and UAE (United Arab Emirates) entered an agreement for normalization just some days ago. The explosion in Beirut looks like a step to create a new framework in the middle east. Lebanon was under mandate by France after the world war I. Some say that France is now going to have Lebanon under their mandate again.
It is all thanks to you!
20代 男性
I feel like question is whether they are happy of being a citizen of the U.S. If they are feeling happy of being Americans, they must be happy to pay the taxes, I think. Increasing number of such people unwilling to pay taxes can undermine the country. The government should be happy about the people renouncing their citizenship. If many people pay the taxes properly, the country's tax policy can be changed to create a fair society.
Thank you for the lessons. You gave me an understanding in what the citizenship actually means.
20代 男性
Thank you for accommodating my changeable schedule recently. I look forward to next lesson with you!
This massive hacking attack on Twitter looks like another step to fight against China. They tried to demonstrate their hacking skills, did not they? Where are they going? Where are they taking us? We never know.
Thanks for your usual encouragement. I hope backing to my home town next month. Until that time I continuously do may best. Thanks a lot and please keep safe also!!
thank you Ms. jonoh. I have enjoyed the 1st lesson with you during the lesson.and I'd like to take your class again if I have a chance.
50代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
I will inform the preferable date for make up sooner or later. Thanks for your understanding!!
Thanks for your usual support!! AS you told, I also think self control is the key factor to prevent from virus. Please be safer and hoping have next lesson. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your feedback. I am glad to hear that. I will continue to improve my skill with your lecture. Seeing you next time!!
Multiple misfortunes combined over the period of time led finally to this tremendous calamity. Why had the considerable amount of ammonium nitrate been left at the Beirut port for 6 years? The officials could have known that they were at risk of being targeted for terrorist attack. These things always have been planned long and hard, waiting for a "right timing" to happen. Is there any way to make the world better?
Your lessons give me insights into my life. I just want to believe that hardship makes us wiser.
30代 男性
Chinese government can get into our personal information. The US government can scan them too. Whichever we chose, personal information on us can be scanned. The question is, to me, which one I can get along with better.
It was a pleasure again talking with you about the interesting issue happening now.
50代 女性
See you next time!!
50代 男性
50代 女性
20代 男性
50代 女性
50代 男性
Thank you for this time. I would like to study Chinese as well as English as appropriate, so I would appreciate your favor again.
20代 男性
20代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
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20代 男性
I was glad to have an English lesson with you today. See you again.
50代 男性
50代 男性
20代 男性
50代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thanks for your message encouraging me. Your comment must be positive factor for me to brush up English. I will continue having training. Thanks for your future support!!
Thanks for your continuous support!! We hope that calm situation through the world near future. Studying English, I will continuously think the way I can for that clamness. Therefore, your lecture is needed for me. Thanks for your usual support!!
·Thanks for your cordial message. I trust daily life must be recovered and happiness must come to me again. Also, hope your safe and happiness. Thanks for your usual support!!
30代 男性
30代 男性
50代 男性
It was nice talking with you. I had a great time learning more about the Philippines in the lesson. Hope to see you soon again.
50代 男性
50代 男性
20代 男性
Thanks for your attention. I will inform you of the plan for make up lesson. Seeing you next time!!
20代 男性
50代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thank you so much ! I had a good time with you to learn English.
50代 男性
thank you for your lesson!
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性
20代 男性