

We need to handle those phenomena in a good way.
Thanks for motivating message!! I think eagerness must be kept in my mind. I will keep in touch. Thanks again!!
Thanks for your usual support!! Trump must be a unforgettable president as the ridiculous behaviors. I would like to have interesting discussion continuously. Seeing you!!
50代 女性
I think it is a good thing that various technologies have been developed so quickly, but I hope that people will use them properly.
10代 女性
Thank you very much!I will study hard.
50代 男性
Thank you very much!
50代 男性
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20代 男性
Thanks for your cordial message!! I could relax and am being motivated for current my duties. Through your valuable lecture, I continue to blush up my English. Seeing you soon!!
50代 男性
50代 女性
I think it is a good thing that the aviation industry is sincerely trying to work on the environmental problems. I hope that other industries will follow suit.
nice talking with you! see you next time!!
50代 男性
Thank you for your conversation, I really enjoyed.
Thank for your cordial message!! I was glad to have shared time with my family during memorable days. I will make effort to have good days. Thanks for your continuous support!!
30代 男性
I'm going to support her as best friend. I'm looking forward to her baby's growth.
Let's do its article next time!
30代 男性
30代 男性
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50代 女性
I’m so glad that I could talk with you again for the first time in a while. I’ve been having a hard time, but hopefully everything will be fine with us soon.
50代 男性
I thank you, too! See you soon!
It looks as though Mr. Gates was aware of this pandemic. And more than likely, he was not the only person who knew it. The virus was spread and shook the world to its core. We shall take advantage of this pandemic in a positive way.
Thanks for your continuous support!! As you told, cautious is mandatory when eating outside. we will care so that continue to have lesson. Seeing you again!!
Thanks for your encouragement!! But, I apologize regarding my time management failure. I will care my condition.Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your continuous support kindness!! I am being recovered via current rest. My study out put must be improved via this rest. Thanks for your usual support!!
50代 男性
This year is a lot of things changing. You too! Thank you!
20代 女性
20代 男性
20代 男性
Thanks for your kindness. I will have rest and continuous effort. Seeing you next time!!
40代 女性
It's so nice to talk with you. To raise up children is the same all over the world. Thanks for your time.
60代 女性
Thank you. Our generation had a training of penmanship at school, but could not have a chance of conversation. So I wish learn it this time with you.
60代 女性
Yes, it was hugely happy convasation to me, so thank you.
50代 男性
20代 女性
50代 男性
Thank you for introduce what technology is going on.
Thanks for your attention!! Because of your advice, I could sleep enough, I will continue physical maintenance and active training, Thanks for your assistance!!
Thanks for your kindly message and reputation. Although i exhausted, but it was comfortable. I will continuously make effort to blush up my English ability. Thanks for your continuous support!!
50代 男性
60代 女性
Thanks for your motivating message!! I am busy right now. But I am motivated to have lesson. Caring my condition, I will do my best. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your kindly message!! I hope join with my family on upcoming birthday. I will care for safety. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your message!! I confident current situation. But I will care for sudden negative impact. Thanks for your continuous support!!
Sorry for my exhausted situation. I will care for my condition. Thanks for your attention!!
Thanks for your attention!! Now is well. I will maintain physical and mental. Seeing you next time!!
Implanting a chip in human brain sounds scary, though it can help people who have severe medical condition with diseases like strokes regain their original life. But Elon Musk still has a lot to do before this technology is put into the market. I do not want to have my brain connected to the Internet anyway.
Yes, I enjoyed talking with you too. The discussion was fruitful and made me feel uplifted.
50代 男性
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20代 男性
i had great time with you im looking forward to going to Philippines
30代 男性
30代 男性
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50代 男性
Thank you for sharing many info to clear the point of the debete.
If the mosquitoes are exterminated, it will impact on ecosystem. Fishes, birds, and the other insects that eat the mosquitoes will die. Many people died in Zika virus, yellow fever and dengue fever, particularly in tropical areas. But this can be prevented by building better infrastructure. The diseases can be cured by early recognition and proper treatment. Technical innovation has changed our life in many ways. Genetic engineering is part of it that should be applied in a carefully controlled way.
Thanks for the latest lesson yesterday. I will keep in touch with care for my self. Also hoping your well. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your cheering up me!! I will continuously have effort for success of presentation. Seeing you!!
Thanks for your enthusiastic advice. I will do my best keeping my condition. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual and useful advice!! I am hoping to be able to back to my home and have share time with my family. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your continuous support!! Your advice is very useful for me. I will try to eat it Thanks a lot!!
20代 男性
20代 男性
30代 女性
Dear Jonah Thank you so much for today's lesson. I keep studying and improve my English skill. See you next lesson!
I have heard that Chinese people have a custom that they shall leave some of served on table. If they eat all, it can look like there was not enough food for everyone present. In other words, leaving some on the table is to show their courtesy to host. On the other hand, my mom used to say, if I waste food, I will receive divine punishment.