

10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 女性
Thank you!
60代 男性
50代 男性
I enjoyed lesson.
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Regardless situation I will do my best. Thanks for your encouragement!!
Thank you so much. The article you shared me is very interesting.
10代 女性
Thank you so much!
50代 男性
I enjoyed last lesson. Thank you so much!
Thanks for your special support for my daughter!! She was glad very much!! Same age with your younger daughter must be surprising and destiny. Thanks for valuable time!!
50代 女性
I really hope that 2021 will be a good year for everyone, and I’ll do my best to improve my mental and physical health. 
Thanks for your message!! Again, A happy new year!! I could have nice holidays with my family. After I return, I will make effort for my duties. Seeing you next time!!
50代 男性
30代 女性
Thank you so much for always encouraged me. You are an amazing teacher, see you next lesson!
50代 女性
I just hope that governments all over the world will work together so that corona virus pandemic can be brought under control as soon as possible.
10代 女性
I’m so sorry! I will book your lesson soon. See you next time. Thank you!
20代 女性
thank you! stay safe too!
thank you for lesson!
Thanks for your usual support!! I am relieved because I could back my home town and am now sharing the time with my family together. I hope also your next year are going well, Seeing you on the new years day!!
Thank you!
I enjoyed her class .
I'm so sorry I forget to cancel the lesson. Thank you stay safe too
50代 男性
Sorry for delay of my reply, but thanks for your usual support!! I will adjust even though these hectic situations so that we can have lesson from now on. Thanks for your assistance!!
50代 女性
These days, I'm always astonished by advanced technology, however, it could have not only advantages but also disadvantages. I’m a bit concerned about the future effects.
it was nice talking to you last night! it gave me a breath of fresh air after having taken two chinese lessons for 2 months every day. when im tired of speaking chinese i will book you, stay safe and have a merry christmas!
thank you!
thankyou so much!! yes keep motivated is most important for me.
30代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
10代 男性
Thank you for your lesson today:) See you soon!
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Safety situation must be mandatory. After recover of safety, campaign can be resumed. I continue to care to avoid infection risk. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you! I’m learning new thing every time. I have to be more careful at grammar
10代 男性
10代 男性
thanks for your time, see you again!
50代 男性
50代 女性
I hope that governments and companies all over the world will work together to at least minimize the damage on environment at the moment.
今回もとても中身の濃い授業でした。 次回もどうぞ宜しくお願いします。
40代 女性
50代 男性
Thank you for your time. Grammer is what I need to do the most but I was running away from it. Now I can understand theory thank you so much.
Thank you for yesterday’s first lesson. I enjoyed talking with you. I will study hard.
70代 男性
Thank you for your cooperation. I really appreciate. see you next time.
Thanks for your usual support!! Current situation should affect negatively. But, we create effective measures and conquer this situation. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you so much. I it means a lot to me. 中々理解できなかった文法が理解できました!
50代 女性
Hopefully, they will find a compromise to solve the problem, but I guess it’s extremely difficult.
Hope we can protect the Earth forever. thank you so much.
Thank you for your time. Hope we all conquerCOVID 19. Keep safe.
30代 男性
50代 男性
thanks for your time. talking about myself should be good for me to heal myself. but I found my English getting worse...need to increase basic vocabulary. see you soon..
Thanks for your usual support!! I am glad to hear you could learn Japanese governmental system, I hope discuss more with you Seeing you next time!!
It was nice meeting you, too. Thank you for having a fun and meaningful conversation. Talk to you soon!
20代 女性
Thank you, I’ll practice reading!
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! I always feel conversation with you must be good opportunity to brush up my English. Hoping your safety also. Seeing you next time!!
50代 女性
Thank you for encouraging me. I’m really having a hard time now, but I’m trying not to think too much so that I will not get sick.
thank you.stay safe too
thank you!
Thank you so much for listening my unskillful English,Your kindness made me relax!
50代 男性
30代 男性
50代 男性
Thank you!
20代 女性
Thank you, Jonah. I had a great time, with you. I’m looking forward to talking to you! See you next time.
50代 女性
Thank you for your lesson. Life always has its ups and downs, but I hope things will turn out OK.
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Specific discussion was slightly difficult, but we could share. I was very glad for that. I will continue to brush up my English. Thanks a lot!!
50代 男性