

Thank you always so much. The content is very interesting and your lessons are fun. I am looking forward to next lesson.
Thank you so much for your lesson. The boy was so pitiful, I learned affection by parent relationship on Education.
50代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you very much!
Thanks for your last lesson. Topic about controvacy between China and India is not familier for Japanese. Therefore I could concentrate to understand this issue. To have global and perspective view. I would like to have more knowledge from you. Anyway, Thanks for your usual support!!
50代 男性
50代 男性
10代 女性
10代 女性
Thanks for the last lesson with you. In Japan, because of almost ”single race” country, It might be treated as minor issue. To have versatile view, I need to have more opportunities regarding these kind issues. I am looking forward to further learning in future. Thanks for your usual and valuable support!!
Thanks for your usually interesting session. I understand intermediator has important role for peace of the globe. I will have attention to process regarding this issue even in Japan. Seeing you next time !!
50代 男性
50代 男性
10代 女性
10代 女性
30代 女性
30代 男性
Thanks for your usual and kindly instruction!! I was surprised that stranded ship was very huge and small salvage ships could dislodge it. That must be human's fruitful result. I hope continuously learn various global issues with you. Thanks a lot!!
50代 男性
50代 女性
Hopefully, the authority will investigate the cause of the accident, and improve various conditions so that such accident will not happen again.
50代 男性
Thank you for your lesson. My CC point will be charge in this 2 Weeks. See you soon!
50代 女性
I really hope that other developed countries do not follow suit, and keep providing the humanitarian aid to Yemen.
30代 女性
Thank you so much!
Thanks for your the last lesson!! I was glad to hearing you was glad to seeing Cherry flowers. Especially, as you told, I also think night view is very beautiful and additionally exotic. Looking forward to seeing you at next lesson!!
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! These kind topic might be treated as minor issue in Japan. I think we need to consider this famine issue more as an global citizen. Thanks for giving valuable opportunity and looking forward to seeing you at next lesson!!
20代 女性
20代 女性
I enjoyed our lesson 😀
Thank you for your always meaningful lesson. I am really happy to be able to study world news in English.
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
30代 女性
Thank you very much!
Than you for your comment. Iam looking forward to taking next lesson.
50代 男性
30代 女性
Thank you very much! I want to study English thoroughly from the basics.
Thank you so much.Your lesson was very interesting and I learned a lot.I would like to study more.I am looking forward to the next lesson!
Thanks for your last lesson!! Discussion was very valuable and useful for future. Technology must have compatibility with both of existed environment and developing value. Of course, safety is the first. I hope to continue to discuss about environmental issue. Seeing you at next lesson. Thanks a lot!!
50代 男性
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your useful support in the last lesson. Serving rice via vending machine is the interesting and social contributing way. Hope many people can have vital life eating good food including rice from this vending machine. Looking forward to seeing you!!
50代 女性
I think that we should wait and see how things go for a while. Hopefully, governments around the world will work together to find a good solution that is not unfair.
10代 女性
10代 女性
10代 女性
50代 女性
I was impressed by the Vietnamese businessman. Helping others is very important but actually do anything is not easy.
50代 女性
50代 男性
50代 女性
Thank you so much. I'll do my best to improve my conversational skills.
Thank you so much for your help! I was surprised at the current health problems in Philippines. Will do more research and get back to you. Hope to see you soon!
I am so sorry to am late for your class😣(totally misunderstood the schedule……) Before the next your class, I ‘ll be care of my pronunciation and pose! I am looking forward to taking your class again🌟 Thank you!!!
50代 男性
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Actually, some studies and trails are ongoing for future development. Technology must be progressed day by day. In parallel, analog that is the base of current technology must be respected and considered. That topic was very interesting for me. I really appreciate it and seeing you next time!!
10代 女性
10代 女性
I had a great time talking with you. I'm also looking forward to your next lesson.
20代 女性
Thanks for your precious support!! Vaccine Passport is interesting. But, usage must be appropriate. We need to pursue for peaceful world. Thanks for your kindness, Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual support!! Genetically modification issue is the current era's topic and must be relevant to environmental factor. I will study this relation and have my opinion. Seeing you next time!!
Jonah先生 Salamat! 毎回授業時間いっぱいいっぱい、改善点や意思表示の仕方にアドバイスくださるのでとても勉強になります!
50代 男性
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! This topic is interesting and like a symbol of current era. I hope this trial is held under appropriate procedure and will be good for global resources. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you for your class! Your class is always fun for me:)
いつもありがとうございます! 単なる英語の授業ではなく、意見の表現方法など教えて頂き大変勉強になっております。
Thank you for your comments. Tattooing is not familiar with my life. But through learning Ainu culture, I got new point of view.
50代 女性
Society is changing rapidly, so companies need to change their policies constantly rather than sticking to their traditional styles. Otherwise, they will be left behind the global trend, which can go out of business.