

50代 男性
Nice to meet you too ☺︎ I had good time ☺︎ Let’s talk again ❤︎
Thank you for your lesson. As you said, the motivation must be important for studying. I would like to discuss the article you had sent next time.
60代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you for your lesson. I agree with you.
60代 男性
50代 女性
I think relevant authorities have to promote more conservation activities to ensure that children can have hope for future and study free from anxiety.
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thanks for your yesterday's instruction for my daughter!! She was so glad feeling progress and joy of study. She will continue lesson. Thanks for continuous support. Seeing you next Sunday!!
I appreciate your encouragement! I hope she try her best.
50代 男性
60代 男性
I want to increase my vocabulary.
60代 男性
Thank you for your lesson.
Nice meeting you today! Thank you so much for having a conversation with me. I felt like need more practice!
Thank you very much for your Lesson.
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thank you for your lesson. This was my first English lesson but had great time with you. I am looking forward to your next lesson.
Thanks for your usual support!! I am looking forward to having new life in Kyoto. Also, close to my family is good factor for me. Looking forward to seeing you next time. Thanks a lot!!
60代 男性
I'm more interested in why it's possible than what it's used for.
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Farming inheritance is important factor for sustainability. I will continue have attention to this region. Thanks for sending this valuable opportunity!! Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for the last valuable opportunity for may daughter and me. She eager to continue to learn from you. I make her keep on studying. Thanks for your continuous support!!
40代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you
Thank you for your lesson. I am happy to talking with you, see you later.
She is a best teacher I had ever met lol She always teaches me how to describe the expression. I recommend you her lesson that you are willing to study and practice English.
50代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thank you so much for your lesson. Keep safe,too!
50代 女性
It is good to learn that unexpectedly humans can adapt to drastic changes in living conditions. I’m so impressed.
Thank you for the lesson, Jonah. I think your so kind. I enjoyed to talk to you. But the topic of the article was so difficult for me. I prefer English for daily life of beginner level. I am looking forward to see you.
10代 女性
Thank you for your English lesson. I find I forget some words...I need more lesson. B.R. Yamada
50代 男性
50代 女性
I think it is a good thing that various advanced technologies can help people live a better life, but I wonder how far technology will go.
Thanks for your usual and effective support in the last lesson!! Working environment is gradually and severely deteriorated. Now is the time to recover it. We must continuously have attention for it. Hope discussing it again. Looking forward to seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your last lesson. It was useful. I always surprise advanced medical technology. This technology must be hope for our future health. Looking forward to sharing other advanced issue in future lesson with you. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you so much for your lesson. I enjoyed talking with you.Stay safe!
30代 男性
30代 男性
10代 女性
10代 女性
60代 男性
60代 男性
Nice to meet you Jonah! Your lesson was so nice. I can relax to talk with you.
60代 男性
News article is difficult for me. I will try my best to understand it.
60代 男性
It was good time for me to speak English.
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thanks for the last useful lesson. Plastic problem must be mandatory to be discussed. I will have attention to contribute for creation of well being environment. Looking forward to seeing you again!!
50代 男性
I almost forgot English,but I enjoyed talking to her so I may be able to continue lessons.Thank you so much Jhone!
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
50代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thanks for your message. I will care for safety. Have a good day and seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your last tuition!! My daughter was glad to have lesson with you. I will make her motivate for future. Of course, I will study more. Thanks again and seeing you next time!!
10代 女性
Every lessons, she cheers me up and agrees my decision for the future. She is kinda my counselor who makes me positive! Thanks!
Thank you for your lesson. I dint know Japanese pet shop price was tooooo much.
50代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you. Stay safe too!
Thanks for your last lesson. Every article you send is very curious for me. I continuously learn various topic with you. Thanks for your usual support and seeing you next time!!
20代 女性
Thank you for yesterday’s lesson teacher, I’m looking forward to the next time! Have a nice weekend.