

40代 男性
20代 女性
Thanks for the interesting class!🌟
20代 女性
I love humorous competitions like this😆
50代 男性
20代 女性
Thank you for your educational lesson every time! I’m very happy to hear that! Stay safe too~
20代 女性
This article is educational:3 Looking at the mosaic art is soothing to the soul〜〜
20代 女性
I want to stay in India and try street food!
I was glad that I could report his recovery to you. It was not lucky that the accident happened, but I believe our new life must be fun! I would like to talk with you about my family again.
20代 女性
Thank you for every educational lesson!!✨
20代 女性
I want to be able to make what I want to eat myself! But I'm not confident enough in my taste buds to adjust the flavor of food~~
60代 男性
Thank you
20代 女性
I'll do a lot of listening and try to get a sense of native speakers 😆
20代 女性
I thought that young people should be more interested in what is happening on earth. Of course, me tooTvT
Thank you for your advice.When I talk about articles,I prepare before lesson.I try to enhance on speaking.
20代 女性
Working too many hours can affect our body and mind. It's scary….
50代 男性
50代 男性
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! Because of your instruction, It is being progressed. I will make support. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual support. Never mind, Looking forward to seeing you!!
20代 女性
Thank you for your lesson! I can learn quite important things.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am encouraged by you after talking with you. We have to struggle through our lives but it must be fun!
I am very sorry for the absence this slot lesson. we care for health condition. Looking forward to seeing you in the next lesson. Thanks!!
Thank you somuch for your lesson. I everytime enjoy your lesson. Stay safe!
You are not only an English teacher but also the teacher to guide myself into a kind of positive mind! I appreciate that you always encourage me.
50代 男性
It's a little sad for me that the Olympics were unattended and the opportunity to volunteer was lost. It may be good that the chances of corona infection have also decreased. See you soon.
I am also glad to hear your story. I will improve my English skill to talk with you more.
50代 男性
Thanks for the last lesson!! Now is being recovered. Also, I can have tow straight holidays this weekend. I will have enough rest. Looking forward to seeing you. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your usual enthusiastic support!! My daughter always look forward to having your lesson. I support her study everyday. Seeing you next time!!
30代 男性
30代 男性
50代 女性
50代 女性
thank you, the disaster in Atami is very sad. Still many peoples are not found. if this is a man-made disaster, something wrong in our society. See you next time.
I am also glad to talk with you about my family accident, because that means it was not so terrible. I thought it is difficult to explain the whole situation in English.
50代 男性
Thanks for your usual support!! Fortunately, I will back to my home for the first time in 2 months. I will have relax and try to slow down work load. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual and effective support. But I was very sorry because my condition was exhausted. Keep care for my condition and looking forward to seeing you!!
Thanks for your usual and effective support!! I guess my daughter can keep motivation because of eagerness. I will keep in touch it. Seeing you next time!!
50代 男性
Thank you. I would like to have your lesson again. See you.
30代 男性
30代 男性
60代 男性
The technology will help lots of disabled person. But implanted sensors cannot be common, it should be put on to the surface of the skins. B.R.
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed talking with you. I am looking forward to your next lesson.
50代 男性
Thanks for your usual support. In this lesson, sorry for in the middle of move-out, But it was very effective. I will continue to brush up even in next location. Thanks for continuous support!!
Thanks for your effective support in the last lesson. Also, we very appreciate for your comment. She is highly motivated. We will keep in touch it. Seeing you in next lesson!!
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thank you so much.I enjoyed free talking to you.
30代 男性