

Technology may be used for watching and controlling people. I think every transaction between people and companies can be monitored by some kind of cashless technology. See you next time.
50代 男性
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30代 男性
Thank you for the lesson! It was nice to meet you.I enjoyed talking with you! See you soon and take care!
50代 男性
60代 男性
Thanks for your lesson. I could get many informations about Philippine. That was interesting for me. See you.
Thanks for your cordial message!! I will carefully coordinate my condition. Looking forward to seeing you. Please keep safe also!!
Thank you for your lesson, Jonah! I was a bit confused with the theme in the article at the beginning, but could totally understand due to your tenacious teaching in the end.
40代 男性
Thank you for your teaching!
50代 男性
Than you, jonah! Since I’ ve been studying IT, the topic this time was really interesting. Hope to talk to you soon again:)
30代 男性
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Thanks. I need to progress my English. I will take a workshop for English tour guide next month. So I study English more.
Thanks for your usual support in the last lesson. It is my honor hearing your reputation. I will continuously make effort. Thanks a lot!!
Celebrates Expo 2020 Dubai, that is fist expo held at middle east area. Wish this will help economy and development of the area. Also we will have Osaka expo on 2025 soon.
30代 男性
30代 男性
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40代 男性
Thank you for your class! See you next time.
50代 男性
Thanks for your usual effective lecture!! To be more effective, I will have attention for decreasing stress. Thanks for your cheering up!!
Thanks for your usual cheering up for her!! She is motivated by it. I make her keep this motivation. Seeing you next time!!
20代 女性
20代 女性
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60代 男性
Thanks for your lesson. I'm happy to hear your voice after long time. I will continue to take your lesson. See you soon.
60代 男性
We are happy to have the freedom to choose a politician in the election. Sometimes we make a mistake, but ...
How are you? Did typhoon pass by? Can I schedule the next lesson for Sunday, Nov 17 at 9pm?
50代 女性
Hopefully, various events around the world will be held in a phased manner and we’ll be able to enjoy such events again.
50代 男性
60代 男性
Thanks for your usual support!! I really gratitude for your dedicated support!! Because of your lecture, I trust my ability can be improved more. Therefore, I continue have effort to enhance it more with my confidence. Seeing you next time!!
50代 女性
I just hope that governments in developed countries will not waste tons of money but use it for other peaceful purposes.
Thanks for your usual support!! I will make her have more reading opportunity. Continuous support must be useful for her. Looking forward to seeing you!!
Thanks for your usual encouragement!! She studies English everyday with her joy. I will motivate her to be able to keep her motivation. Looking forward to having next lesson. Thanks a lot!!
Sorry for the late writing of the message. I am always learn new words with news. Thank you for a really meaningful lesson.
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thank you so much! I just got textbooks.I gonna prepare for the exam.
50代 男性
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Thank you very much for introducing latest car and man interface technology. this kind of technology will help handicapped person and elder people in near future.
Thanks for your usual support and kindness. I will control my self so that I can relieved. But, I will do my best. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual support!! Because of your assistance, I can have confidence to use English. I will do my best to improve my skill. Seeing you next time!!
60代 男性
60代 男性
Thank you for your advice based on your experience! I’ll communicate with him slowly.
50代 男性
Thank you for your lesson! I could learn about the situation and current issues of Afghanistan, and recent activities of Ms Yousafzai that she appeals to the countries to give more attention to the problem and support women and children. It was also interesting to think of how Japan (and each of us)should deal with refugees. Stay healthy and have great week! Salamat!
50代 女性
I hope that the shortage is settled as soon as possible.
10代 女性
Thank you for talking with me. I had a very good time! I'm looking forward to meeting you again:)
Jonah, thank you for your lesson. I had a great time to talk with you. It was very interesting for me to know about your country. See you next time :)
60代 男性
Thank you very much for your lesson. It's still difficult to speak well in English what I want to say, but I would like to continue studying. I'm looking forward to the next lesson.
60代 男性
60代 男性
60代 男性
·Thanks... you are a good teacher
60代 男性
50代 女性
I enjoyed your lesson.
60代 男性
Thank you for teaching...
50代 男性
Thank you for your lesson! See you next time!
60代 男性
Thank you for accepting sudden appointment,
50代 女性
It’s clear that the items created by humans negatively affect ecosystems. I’m seriously concerned that our planet will get worse and worse by human activities.
60代 男性
Thank you for preparing a material.
Thanks for your usual support!! I am also glad to see you and have valuable communication although in exhausted condition. I will continue have effort. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your last lesson!! Your advice to enhance her pronunciation must be useful. I will support her and hope to have your continuous and enthusiastic support. Thanks a lot and stay safe also!!