Jhoneliza Edra先生の口コミ・評価 Reputation
Thank you for your lesson. I'm looking forward to next time.
Thank you for the lesson. I hope to talk with you again.
Thanks for your usual support!! I am glad to see your message. To improve more, I continuously make effort. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thnaks for your usual support!! As you told, I understand there are some unfamilier words when some articles issued in WEB in the states. I will continue to read them. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for your usual support!! I will care my condition and continue to make effort to achive my target. Keep safe also!!
Disorders in the language area of the brain can cause a variety of symptoms.
Thanks for your support Looking forward to seeing you the next!!
Thnaks for your usual advice. Sorry for my disturbing you, but I will try to recover so that I can have lesson as usual.
Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for your usual support, Sorry for my bad condition. I will have rest and recover as soon as possible I can.
Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thank you for the lesson today. The article is exciting this time too I have motivated to live longer^^;. See you soon.
When I was kid it was fun to think about the golden future. However it is not dream anymore, I am becoming pessimistic to think about the near future. I was wondering how we can control the challenging situation like global warming, the local war, food shortage and how to use AI.
Palm oil is very useful, but consuming it leads to deforestation. We need to think it very carefully.
Although there have always been pros and cons to new technology, advances in AI have advanced into areas that touch the fundamentals of humanity.
The Giraffenap is useful for office workers to take a nap in the office in stead of on the desk.
Thank you for your lesson. See you soon next time.
I think the best way to relieve constipation is to eat foods high in fiber and drink lots of water.
Thanks for your usual support!! I will be confident and try to get target with continuous will. Keep safe also!!
I agree to this article. Proper dieting, exercising and meditating are important things to control high blood pressure.
Thanks for your encouragement. I am aiming for next exam without depression. I will continue tomaking effort for target. Looking forward to seeing you!!
We don’t have a custom to kiss in public. It would have been a big issue if it had happened in japan.
No problem. I’m always looking forward to reading a new article from you.
Similar overtourism problems are occurring not only at Mt. Fuji, but also at Japan's ancient capitals, such as Kyoto and Kamakura.
I was surprised that English and Indian languages have the same roots. Your selecting topics are always interesting and surprising.
Pets are members of family now. We call them companion animals.
Thanks for your usual support!! reading skill must be useful for listening.
I continue to make effort. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your usual support!! I continue to make effort based on method you adviced.
Looking forward to seeing you again!!
Thanks for your usual support!! I will continue to do my best so that I can reach target. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for your lesson and discussion with you. Regarding the treated water (Not wasted water ) in Fukushima seems to be misunderstood by foreigner and even in Japanese. As it is prooving now, based on strictest inspection and care, I hope there is no negative inpact for any person. Hope continuous discussion so that I could be more explain presicely. Looking forward to seeing you.
Thanks for your advice!! I will care for my phisical condition so that pronounciation is kept well.
Looking forward to seeing you next time!!
·Thanks for your usual support!! I brush up current method as much as effective from now on. Thanks a lot!!
Thank you very much. I am a beginner. but I understood what you said. Your teaching method was easy to understand.
Germany’s wild boars has become a big problem. Japan has the same issues in Fukushima as German.
Thank you for the interesting article this time too. See you next time soon.
Elon Musk is always changing the world. This article is useful for me to update the information.
Thanks for your usual support!! I will take care for myself. Loking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for your reply. I am loking forward to having lesson with you. Keep safe also !!
The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs said, "The Philippines will continue to monitor the impact of this issue on the oceans of the region from a scientific and fact-based perspective. As an island nation, the Philippines places the highest priority on protecting and preserving the marine environment."
It was so much fun to come out with you! Talk to you soon!
Microplastics are a global problem, and it is hoped that biodegradable products will replace plastics.
Hope in your day in day out fighting things will be picking up while you can stay in good shape & mood. Have a nice chat soon!
I really like your lesson. I am learning a lot from the steve jobs speech! thank you for your help!
I already found another material! See you soon!
Public services like sewage treatment or garbage disposal should be handled by
It’s important for us to sleep, eat and exercise regularly.
Thank you for the lesson today. This time's article is very interesting too. See you soon.
Global warming is a big issue all over the world. I always carry my umbrella to avoid direct sunlight.
Hope you can also take a good care of yourself, talk to you soon.
AI will be able to take our jobs away from us in the near future. What do we do?
Thanks for your last lesson and message. Being confident is important so that I achive target. I will continue to study with positive mind. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep you safe also!!
Thanks for your usual cheering for me. I will be stable in my mind so that I can achive my target. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep you safe also!!
`Thanks for your usual support!! Owing your suppot, I could recover. I will divert myself into positive situation. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for your usual support!! But, I am sorry that I was mentally and physically exhausted. I will care for them to conquare these obstacles so that make achivement. Looking forward to seeing you. Many thanks!!
Thank you for conversation. See you again.
I learned new things this time too. Accepting immigrants is difficult problem for Japan as well.
I was surprised that Swiss people eat a lot of cheese. I also eat cheese, but I eat about 6 grams every day, which is about 1/10 of the Swiss people.
Thank you
Thanks for your last lesson and sorry for my embarrassed situation. Now is okay for the next. I will continue to do my best. Looking forward to seeing you and having lecture. Stay safe also !!
Thanks for your usual support. Having rest,I will continue todo my best. Looking forward to seeing you!!
What they are claiming is that instead of erasing these characters' comics, there are other things that should be done, even if it means spending more tax money.
What an amazing technology! Thank you for an interesting article.
I’d like to eat the Godzilla ramen, if I had a chance to go to Taiwan. Thank you for a interesting article.
Thanks for your last lesson!! Your suggestion must be correct. I will continue to study with appropriate health condition. Looking forward to seeing you next time. Keep safe too!!
According to a 2023 survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of people living on the streets nationwide is 3,448 in Japan. Compared to 18,564 people in the same survey 16 years ago, it has decreased by more than 80%.
Thank you for the interesting articles every time. This article was especially interesting.
Thanks for your usual support!! Latest score is owing you. I will continule to effort. Keep safe too!!
Thanks for your advice. I will do what you taught. Thnaks a lot!!
Thanks for your usual advice. I will continue practice. Keep safe also.
Thnaks for your support and advice. I am sorry that my fatigue should cause these situations. I will care my condition so that reading can be improved. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe too!!
Thanks for your reputation. As you told I also think I need to read more so that improvement of reading is accerelated. Looking forward to seeing you. Keep safe too!!
Thank you for the lesson. I learned a lot of new things this time too. See you next time.
I suppose one of the easiest ways would be to tax them.
Talking about England as a tea country no longer seems to fit the status quo.
Even in Japan, we don't drink Japanese tea on a daily basis.
Although there are changes in taste, I think that the fact that there are many choices is also a factor.
Really hope you sometimes can have a good rest.
I have heard that Japan is very strict about accepting refugees and it is difficult for them to be recognized as refugees. This article is very useful to think about refugees problem in the world.
Thank you. Watermelons are now growing rapidly. I will be able to eat them at the middle of July.
I really enjoyed talking about growing watermelons with you.
Thnka for your usual lecture!! I am also happy with study from you.I will continue do my best. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for yoru usual support!! I continue have effort to learn English from you.
Looking forward to seeing you!!
Thanks for your last lesson!! With your support, I believe achive my target. I will continue to do my best.
Looking forward to seeing you!!
Thnaks for your message. My aim is not easy, but I will continue it. Seeing you next time and keep safe!!
Thanks for your message. Hope your well situation. I will offer schedule of make up. Keep safe also!!
Thanks for your usual support and lecture!! Every time valuable for me.
Looking for seeing you next time. Thanks a lot again!!