

50代 女性
30代 男性
Thanks for your kind message. I hope peace and rest. Also, hope your daily life is well, Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your continuous and cordial message. I change my mind and concentrate to my task I own, Thanks a lot again
Thank you for sharing the latest information on the world. Through these articles I can study English and also organize my thoughts.
50代 女性
30代 男性
30代 男性
50代 女性
I really hope that Russia and Ukraine agree on a ceasefire at the meditation of the UN or a certain country so as not to increase victims anymore.
50代 男性
60代 男性
Finally I took an emprolyment exam. English interview was not very tough but the paper test was sooooo difficult.
40代 女性
Thank you for the fun lesson. I am looking forward to the next lesson.
60代 男性
50代 女性
I think we have to reconsider the lifestyle based on large-scale production and consumption to realize sustainable society. 
Thanks for the lesson, jonah! This article motivates me to continue studying. I believe possibilities and abilities of our brain are almost limitless. I will keep having curiosity and making as many challenges as I can! Take care and have a good weekend:)
60代 男性
60代 男性
Thanks....BOC clerk said accounts cannot be closed as far as account holders directly go to any branches. Representatives' application are not acceptable...
60代 男性
Ministers cannot keep chairs such a long period...
60代 男性
Nice government!
60代 男性
I didn't know so much people join online experiment!
30代 男性
30代 男性
Thanks for your encouraging message!! I will continue to try to higher target for my improvement. Seeing you at next lesson!!
Thank you for your lesson. It was nice to talk with you. We need to buy clothes more carefully for environmental protection.
20代 女性
thank you
60代 男性
30代 男性
20代 女性
Thank you
30代 女性
中国語を話すうち英語も話したくなり、初めてjonah先生の授業を受けました。音声のみですが、英文をチャットで送ってもらえ、またわかっていない様子だと、適宜打ち込んでくださるので支障は感じませんでした。教え慣れている印象で、楽しく受講できました。 Thank you for your support:) See you soon!
30代 男性
50代 男性
60代 男性
60代 男性
60代 男性
Thanks for your useful advice. I will continuously make effort so that my decipher ability. Seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual advice. I will have relax as much as I can. That should be more effective for my target. I really appreciate it. Seeing you soon!!
50代 女性
I really hope that Japan will amend the Imperial House Law to allow women to take the throne.
Sorry for my late response. Thanks jonah as always for your lesson! Through the lesson I knew that the severe damage of the infrastructure and concerns for covid-19 in Tonga still going on. I wish the people get normal life back quickly.
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
Good to see you. I had nice time to talk with you. Be safe from New Covid-19 virus.
50代 女性
I hope that Russian and Ukraine can come to a compromise, and the war will not happen.
50代 男性
50代 男性
30代 男性
30代 男性
I took her lesson after longtime though,she is always very bright and smart trying to help the way what I want to tell.I am very lucky seeing a teacher like her.
20代 女性
20代 女性
Thank you so much!You're very good teachr. I'm so happy to learn English from you. I'll do my best for the future.
30代 男性
Thanks for your last lesson!! Infection problem is still expanded and number of patients are also still increased. I will keep not be infected not going outside. Therefore I will continue study English in my room, Hope you are also safe. Seeing you next time!!
Thank you for your interesting lesson. I was happy to talk with you in English.
60代 男性
Thank you.
40代 女性
Thanks for your lesson 😊English lesson is very important for our family’s,,,,please take care and keep safe of your family. Hope to be better 🙏
50代 男性
Thanks for your kindly advice. She must be glad to hear your message. Also, I am glad to have your advice. Making continuous effort must be the best way. Looking forward to seeing you next time!!
Thanks for your usual support!! I could have good rest. Hope you are also go well. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!
Thanks for your usual effective support!! I make effort to be gotten used to these tricky questions. Seeing you next time!!
30代 男性
30代 男性
30代 女性
40代 女性
10代 女性
60代 男性
Thank you!
20代 女性
20代 女性